
Aged care search collection

Instant access to research in aged care

Finding relevant high-quality research, you can trust, can be time consuming and requires certain knowledge and skills. Our PubMed searches provide you with access to current research, across a variety of topics related to aged care, in the click of a button. We have created search collections tailored to different aspects of aged care delivery, to streamline the research process and ensure quick access to relevant information for all types of users.

PubMed one-click search collection

Designed by a Librarian, the automatic search collection, provides quick access to relevant research, using the free PubMed® database and provides five search collections, related to many aspects of aged care delivery.

The PubMed collection includes themed searches related to:

  • aged care
  • care delivery
  • diverse populations
  • staff groups
  • provider considerations

This also includes one-click searches in a variety of publication types, enabling access to studies limited by location (Australia), publication quality (Systematic Reviews) and accessibility, such as free to access, journal articles. The collection also provides tips and advice in using the searches and how to modify or create your own.

Beyond PubMed, we also designed searches for use online using search engines and provide links to helpful sources of further information related to aged care.

PubMed searches for Aged Care

PubMed searches are pre-programmed strategies, created to find information on a particular subject or topic area, designed to give individuals, easy ‘one click’ access, to current research about aged care.

Our PubMed one-click searches contain:

Aged care searches 

The aged care searches relate to our priority topics identified by the workforce in Australia and cover both residential and home care settings (aged care). This also include searches developed around the themes identified by our own research into systematic review evidence on each topic.

Providing care searches

Our providing care search collection includes two themes, which include care issues, and principles of care, within the aged care sector (residential and home care).

Diverse groups searches

People in aged care settings come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Our diverse populations searches cover groups identified by the Aged Care Diversity Framework, alongside additional groups such as refugees and young people in aged care.

Professional groups searches

The aged care workforce is made up of a diverse mix of skills, workers and professionals. Our professional group searches include all individuals that are involved in aged care settings.

Provider considerations searches

As an aged care provider, you’ll need to consider various topics that effect the delivery of care, how to implement change and innovation, staff recruitment and retention and consider quality and safety in care delivery. Our provider considerations searches link you to the latest evidence on a variety of these topics and more.

Create your own searches

In this section we provide the skills needed to construct your own searches. We also provide search filters to restrict your searches to particular formats or groups. Beyond using PubMed we provide you with additional searches using Google™ search, based on our priority topics, while offering advice on how to construct your own.  

If you are a professional working in aged care you can find more information on how to do this here for free, or the Innovator Essentials Series Mini-Courses here.

Looking for current systematic reviews? Try our monthly updated systematic review collection in aged care

You can also browse our collection of resources related to aged care

Research sources 

Analysis and Policy Observatory (APO)

The APO is and open access platform containing research, policy and information related to aged care.

ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research

The ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research is a collaboration of leading researchers in population ageing. CEPAR is an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence.

Australian Association of Gerontology

The AAG is Australia’s only independent, impartial membership organisation whose over-arching aim is to improve the experience of ageing by connecting gerontological research, policy and practice.

Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care

The ACEBAC advocates person-centred, evidence-based care of older people and are involved in research, education and professional practice. All of their research involves collaboration with a mix of disciplines and consumers.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

The AIHW collects and reports information on a wide range of topics and issues, including health and welfare expenditure, hospitals, disease and injury, mental health to ageing, homelessness, disability, and child protection.

Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association

The APNA is the peak body and professional membership association for all nurses working outside of a hospital setting in Australia.


The CareSearch Project consolidates online palliative care knowledge for health professionals, people needing palliative care and their families, and for the general community.

Department of Health and Aged Care

The Department of Health and Aged Care, formerly the Department of Health, is a department of the Australian Government responsible for health research, funding, promotion and regulation in Australia.

National Aged Care Data Clearinghouse (NACDC) and GEN

The National Aged Care Data Clearinghouse (NACDC) is an independent and central repository of national aged care data. It brings together information on people receiving aged care and the services and organisations providing care. GEN is a comprehensive “one–stop shop” for data and information about aged care services in Australia. It reports on capacity and activity in the aged care system focusing on the people, their care assessments and the services they use.

National Ageing Research Institute 

NARI is Australia’s leading independent, non-profit medical research institute dedicated to ageing and aged care research.

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