
Staff burnout

Burnout is the experience of feeling exhausted, ineffective, and mentally distanced from work. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated workplace pressures in the aged care industry. Staff burnout has been identified as an issue in discussion with the aged care sector and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Staff burnout evidence and resources

The Knowledge and Implementation Hub has gathered evidence of approaches and best practice relating to staff burnout along with learning and practical resources to support aged care.

  1. A scoping review of published research literature identified issues existing pre-pandemic as well as COVID-19 specific factors.
  2. An environmental scan of online resources for aged care was completed. Identified staff burnout resources were added to the Resources section.
  3. A review of tools and scales relating to staff burnout was also undertaken.

Connect to PubMed evidence

This PubMed topic search is already limited to home care and residential aged care settings. Choose to view all citations, strongest evidence only (randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews, and guidelines), or citations to articles available free of charge.

Navigating the sector

Sometimes you need some background information or to know what is happening in the sector. The Research and Project Supports section has lots of interesting and useful resources to help you start a project, plan a study or run a training session at work.

Research and project supports

Australian projects and initiatives

The Hub has brought together information on current Australian research trials, projects, and initiatives focused issues around staff burnout.

Browse projects