

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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​​​Searching for aged care information online – organisation sources​​

​Grey literature’ is generally used to describe information that has not been subject to a formal publication process and is not held on a bibliographic database. Grey literature can include very useful resources including organisational reports and studies. So knowing how to find literature held on organisational websites can be very helpful.

Added 02 Jul 2024
Potential benefits of Age-Tech monitoring technologies in aged care

​​Age-tech is transforming aged care with real-time monitoring of vital signs, activity, and environment, ensuring older peoples' safety and independence. In our latest blog, Nadège Messier from Grand-App AI explains how AI-powered sensors can decrease risks for older people living at home in the community whilst enhancing communication and care coordination between their families and care providers.

Added 19 Jun 2024
An aged care workforce for the future: Recruiting and maintaining diversity

This resource aims to help aged care service providers to identify possible barriers or challenges to recruiting and maintaining a diverse workforce – specifically workers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Added 12 Jun 2024
Governing for Reform: Workforce Flip Guide

This Flip Guide includes key messages and insights around Workforce.

Added 12 Jun 2024
Aged care workforce planning and support programs

This webinar provided information on aged care workforce planning and support programs available to assist providers. It included information on the Business and Workforce Advisory Service and the Remote and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care Service Development Assistance Panel.

Added 12 Jun 2024
​​The CareSearchgp app: Supporting general practitioners to provide palliative care

​​General practitioners (GPs) play a key role in managing care for patients with life-limiting illnesses, particularly in rural areas lacking specialist palliative services. In our latest blog by Dr. Raechel Damarell, find out about the newly released CareSearchgp app, which offers evidence-based resources to GPs to support advance care planning, symptom management, and essential information when patients opt for a home death.​

Evidence review: Essential capabilities for managing an aged care workforce.

Effective management and leadership in aged care are essential for effective aged care worker performance, which, in turn, enables high-quality care. 

Added 29 May 2024
Employee life cycle: The ultimate guide for HR

Understanding the employee life cycle and knowing how to engage with people in each stage of the cycle enables you to attract the right candidates, optimize your employee experience and ultimately, improve productivity and performance at your organization.

Added 29 May 2024
The allied health employee lifecycle: Optimising allied health recruitment and retention

There are various iterations of the employee life cycle approach. The basic premise is that you consider the whole journey of any potential employee from potentially before they even choose to enter your profession until they leave your employment.

Added 29 May 2024
Attraction, retention and utilisation of the aged care workforce

Economic considerations suggest that some of the emphasis of workforce planning needs to be placed on how to retain workers better, especially those with the necessary skills, and how to train and utilise them productively in the workplace. 

Added 29 May 2024