Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.
Strategies to recruit and retain volunteers in the aged care setting
As volunteer numbers decline across the country, the importance of effective recruitment and retention of volunteers is in the spotlight. In this blog, Dr Meg Polacsek describes how aged care providers can optimise their efforts to recruit and retain volunteers.
Developing a new product - Considerations for organisations designing technology to make a difference
Designing technological solutions for aged care is complex, with providers navigating an evolving digital landscape. In this blog, Dr Amanda Adams explains how ARIIA’s latest evidence ‘Developing new products’ theme explores considerations for successful development of useful technology products, including guidance for providers around vendor selection, managing relationships and processes, and the importance of involving staff, older people and families across development.
Is Generative AI just a trend in aged care, or is it here to stay?
Age-tech is transforming aged care with real-time monitoring of vital signs, activity and environment, ensuring older peoples' safety and independence. In our latest blog, Nadège Messier from Grand-App AI explains how Generative AI is expected to play an increasingly critical role in the future of aged care, offering accessible, efficient and deeply personalised solutions for the ageing population.
Australians urged to seek out timely dementia diagnosis
This resource from the University of Sydney provides readers with information on the importance of seeking early dementia diagnosis. It provides readers with a checklist to identify dementia symptoms and advice on starting difficult conversations with family members and GP.
Dementia in Australia
This report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare presents information about dementia in Australia, which includes topics such as population health impacts, health services used by people with dementia, and health and aged care expenditure.
Dementia facts and figures
This webpage from Dementia Australia offers comprehensive details on Australian dementia prevalence estimates and future projections, as modelled by the National Centre for Monitoring Dementia (NCMD). Prevalence estimates for the following were provided: National, state, territory; federal electoral divisions; electoral divisions; local government areas; and younger onset dementia.
Meaningful lifestyle activities checklist
This checklist supports carers to consider the key components of activities for people they care for.
ARIIA at the Global Evidence Summit: Advancing knowledge and evidence for a better global future
In this blog, Dr Janine Margarita Dizon talks about the Global Evidence Summit and how ARIIA is strengthening the capability of the aged care workforce through research and innovation. Dr Dizon was successfully awarded the Academic Professional Development for Overseas Conference Funding by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at Flinders University to participate in the Summit.
Searching for aged care information online – database sources
The final blog of our series – searching for aged care information online. In this blog, we look at how to use databases to bring high quality evidence to your search process.
Organisational Factors Contributing to Staff Burnout in Aged Care
High job demands coupled with low job resources can contribute to burnout among aged care staff. By identifying these specific factors, organisations can better recognise and intervene, fostering healthier and more sustainable workplaces. This resource from ARIIA provides a concise and accessible summary of the research evidence.