
Aged care topic searches

The aged care searches are based on priority topics identified by our workforce survey in 2022 and are limited to both residential and home care settings (aged care).

ARIIA PubMed searches are filters designed to collect research on specific topics using PubMed® database. Simply click on the search button to be taken to the relevant results. For more information on how to use PubMed® click on 'about searching PubMed'.

Select the following buttons for tailored PubMed® results:

  • All (all articles on the topic)*
  • Reviews (systematic review articles)*
  • Australia (Australian articles)*
  • Free (articles available to download free of charge)

Note: * contains articles that may require payment to access


PubMed searches

PubMed searches based on priority topic themes

For each of the priority topics we conducted a scoping review to identify themes in the evidence, from these we created individual searches for each theme (excluding COVID-19 and infection control) these can be found at the links below:

Beyond PubMed

PubMed is only one source of research information (peer-reviewed) if you are looking for more information that is unpublished but in the public domain (grey literature) try our Beyond PubMed searches on each of the priority topics.

Sector resources

For each of our priority topics we have scanned the internet for relevant online resources which you can search for in our resources section using the drop down filters.