Aged care topic searches
The aged care topic searches are based on priority topics identified by our workforce survey (2022). These are limited to residential and home care (aged care).
How to use
Searches in the aged care collection are designed to provide access to research on specific topics, using the database PubMed (NLM).
Simply click the following search buttons to view the relevant results:
- All (all articles on the topic)*
- Reviews (systematic review articles)*
- Australia (Australian articles)*
- Free (free downloadable articles)
Note: * contains articles that may require payment to access
Themed searches based on scoping review of priority topics
Evidence themes were identified through a scoping review of (high-quality) systematic reviews. To support further research, we have created bespoke searches contained within each theme:
- Clinical governance evidence themes
- Dementia care evidence themes
- Meaningful lifestyle evidence themes
- Mental health and wellbeing evidence themes
- Palliative care and end of life evidence themes
- Rehabilitation and reablement evidence themes
- Social isolation evidence themes
- Staff burnout evidence themes
- Technology in aged care evidence themes - Human factors
- Technology in aged care evidence themes - Testing frameworks
- Technology in aged care evidence themes - Types of technology
PubMed searches based on our Innovator Capability Program (ICP) themes
For each of our innovator capability program (ICP) themes we created searches to support further research into the following themes:
Online searches
PubMed is a source of peer-reviewed research information. If you're looking for more information that is unpublished but can be found in the public domain (grey literature), try our online searches on each of the workforce identified priority topic areas.
Sector resources
For each of our priority topics we have scanned the internet for relevant online resources. In our resources section, you can use the drop-down filters to look for specific information relating to your areas of interest.