Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.
Telehealth overview for healthcare providers
This Australian Digital Health Agency webpage provides a definition of telehealth, why it is important, how to use it, and potential benefits.
Information for healthcare providers
This Australian Digital Health Agency webpage contains initiatives, programs, training and support and additional resources for healthcare providers, including those in aged care, to facilitate the use of technology in their practice.
Australian Digital Health Agency - online learning portal
This Australian Digital Health Agency webpage provides access to a suite of online learning resources for health providers and everyone accessing health services, including aged care.
The role of staff in facilitating immersive virtual reality for enrichment in aged care: An ethic of care perspective
This University of Melbourne article discusses the ethics of care framework in virtual reality (VR) in aged care homes and emphasises the care necessary to achieve the expected benefits of VR, while addressing the risks and challenges.
Smart homes for seniors: Intelligent home solutions for independent living
A report by the Intelligent Home Solutions for Independent Living discusses how smart home devices support older people living independently in their homes, the benefits, opportunities and challenges of using smart home devices, and usability challenges and expectations, hopes and anxieties of older people living in smart homes.
Innovation in Aged Care 2019 Position Statement
This Position Statement, written by the Australian Medical Association, discusses overarching principles of innovation in aged care and the specific types of technologies used in aged care.
Revolution in sensing technology empowers older people
This article by the Community Care Review provides a summary of the Ageing Grand Challenge forum among members of the NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) which highlights the need to integrate innovative technology across systems to provide practical solutions for supporting the ageing population.
Assistive technology
This Victorian Government Department of Health webpage provides an overview of the purpose of assistive technology especially in aged care settings, benefits to older people especially those with dementia, and the different types of assistive technology.
The role of smart home assistive technologies in supporting ageing in place and disability housing
This policy evidence summary by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute provides guidance on the role of smart home technologies to support older people in ageing in place.
Impacts of new and emerging assistive technologies for ageing and disabled housing: Full report
This full report by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute describes new and emerging assistive technologies in aged care and how they impact on the older people's lives and everyday activities at present and in the future.