Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

Thursdays@3-podcast & video series
Provides a podcast on conversations about people living and working at the end of life.

Talking dementia: Reminiscence and life story work
In this podcast from Dementia Support Australia (DSA), two professors discusses the meaning and best practice implementation of reminiscence and life story work in dementia care. (33 min)

Clinical governance at the interface of health, law and digitisation; Dr Melanie Tan
This podcast with Dr Melanie Tan discusses clinical governance and why it is essential in the context of digital health. (27 min)

Governing for reform
This series of podcasts includes conversations to transform aged care. These podcasts are part of the Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program. (approx. 30 min each)

The future of aged care: Provider governance
This blog from Maddocks on the Mic discusses aged care provider governance from a legal perspective focusing on recommendations from the Royal Aged Care Commission. (19 min)

My Health Record: Community health
This Australian Digital Health Agency podcast talks about how My Health Record benefits the community health and aged care sector. (25 min)

Care robots: Safe or unethical?
This podcast episode by the Charles Sturt University presents views on care robots gaining momentum in the global aged care industry, and raises ethical concerns over the potential impact of replacing human companionship with technology. (17 min)

Joining the dots- Commonwealth Home Support Program
This podcast was developed to support the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) reablement training. Released in February 2021. (9 min)

Dementia in practice podcast
Provides information on dementia and diagnosis. Podcast topics include the difference between healthy ageing and dementia, diagnosing dementia, and interviews with people living with dementia and their carers.