Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

Implementation Framework for Enabling Technology-Supported Aged Care at Home
Partners National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) and Silverchain have produced resources to support aged care providers when developing technologies for use within home care services.

KeepAble Tools
KeepAble have produced a toolkit with tools and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of assessors, coordination, and support staff when working with home care clients.

Residential aged care - Supporting residential aged care residents and their healthcare teams
Australian Digital Health Agency has developed a set of resources to build service provider confidence, and to support implementation of My Health Record into residential aged care systems.

Advance Care Planning Improvement (ACPI) toolkit
Information on the Advance Care Planning Improvement (ACPI) Toolkit.

Palliative care toolkit for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health professionals
The toolkit provides 5 modules on palliative care. It focuses on the population of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.

Food, nutrition and dining: a reflection on practice – A training resource for aged care providers and their workforce
A PowerPoint presentation by the Commission to be used by aged care providers as a resource to support staff to learn about food, nutrition and dining framed within the four priority areas of dining, choice, swallowing and oral health.

Food, nutrition and dining – Stand up discussion notes
The Commission has developed this resource for providers to introduce food, nutrition and dining topics to their staff. Each topic area is supported by a resource having two different sets of reflective discussion points, a set for the corporate group and one for staff providing direct care.

Food, nutrition and dining Hotline - Stakeholder communications kit
The Commission has developed this communication kit to help service providers to spread the word to staff and older people about their Food, Nutrition and Dining Hotline. The kit includes social media posts and tiles, video, fact sheets and a newsletter article to promote the Hotline and other food, nutrition and dining resources.

A toolkit on how to implement social prescribing
This toolkit from the World Health Organisation describes the steps to implement social prescribing scheme and includes examples of materials, which can be adapted to the local context.

Learning guide for care workers
The resource provided a range of topics for care workers, in particular, Section 8 discusses caring for oneself