

These resources provide the aged care sector and consumers and their families with information and advice on preventing and controlling COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian aged care settings. Most of these resources are produced by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care with some content from additional stakeholder organisations. They cover residential aged care and home care settings.

COVID-19 infection control training
Department of Health and Aged Care
Free online training course for all aged care workers, including cooks and cleaners (Registration required)

National COVID-19 Health Management Plan for 2023 
Department of Health and Aged Care 
The National COVID-19 Health Management Plan for 2023 outlines the Australian Government's management of COVID-19 over the next 12 months. This plan has been informed by the likely 2023 Australian epidemiological outlook, and advice from the Chief Medical Officer. 

National COVID-19 Aged Care Plan 
Department of Health and Aged Care 
This collection contains the updated 7th edition of the National COVID-19 Aged Care Plan, as well as several publications designed to be read in conjunction with the plan. 

Correct use of PPE 
Queensland Health 
A video that shows how to fit and remove personal protective equipment in the correct order. 

COVID-19: Infection control advice for health care workers 
Empower Healthcare 
A video and other downloadable resources to support correct hand hygiene techniques for care workers in residential and home care, family members, friends and co-workers. 

Outbreak management plan 
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission 
A short video (2:27 min) to assist residential aged care providers to support their workers, care recipients, families and visitors to prevent, prepare for, and manage outbreaks of COVID-19. 

COVID-19 resources 
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 
A wide range of resources on how to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure and infection. These resources are freely available for Australian health service organisations, healthcare professionals and consumers. 

Advice for the aged care sector on COVID-19 
Department of Health and Aged Care 
A suite of up-to-date information and advice of COVID-19 for aged care providers, aged care workers and those receiving home or residential aged care services. 

Advice on aged care during COVID-19
Department of Health and Aged Care
Comprehensive, up to date information and advice on COVID-19 for aged care providers, aged care workers, and people receiving residential or home care.

COVID-19 information 
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission 
Latest (24 April 2023) COVID-19 updates from the Commission including an explanation of the Commission's regulatory response to the COVID-19 situation. 

COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian residential aged care facilities
Department of Health and Aged Care
A national weekly data snapshot on the impact of COVID-19 in aged care facilities.

National Guidelines for the Prevention, Control and Public Health Management of Outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Infection (including COVID-19 and Influenza) in Residential Care Facilities
Communicable Disease Network Australia, Department of Health and Aged Care
Best practice guidelines for residential aged care services, health professionals, and carers on the prevention and management of COVID-19 outbreaks in residential aged care.

Industry code for visiting in aged care homes: Version 6.1
An approach to help providers meet their obligations to the safety of people in residential aged care during COVID-19.

Managing home care through COVID-19
Department of Health and Aged Care
Home care package providers need to respond to changing circumstances to effectively manage COVID-19 risks to their care recipients and staff.

COVID-19 etiquette: Storyboards and user guides
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Storyboards and posters communicating COVID-19 protective practices to people whose English or literacy levels may be a barrier when it comes to accessing information.

Aged care workforce: Trauma, loss and grief
Phoenix Australia
Information for the aged care workforce providing support to residents affected by grief or trauma or experiencing it themselves.

COVID-19 aged care grief and trauma support services
Department of Health and Aged Care
A collection of resources, including services, for people experiencing grief and trauma associated with living, working, and caring in the aged care sector during COVID-19.

Aged care grief and bereavement support
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement
An online resource providing guidance on responding to grief and bereavement in aged care and facilitating workforce self-care practices. Includes materials for diverse population groups and in languages other than English.

Caring for people with COVID-19
National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce
Living guidelines that include clinical pathways for the management of people with COVID-19 who are older and living with frailty and/or cognitive impairment or receiving palliative care.

Home-care guidelines for patients with COVID-19 
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Guide contains information for general practitioners (GPs) who are providing home- based care in a private residential home (including public or community housing), in residential aged care facilities and supported accommodation. The guide is also for patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 and require additional support from general practice.

The first year of COVID-19 in Australia: Direct and indirect health effects
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
This report is on the direct and indirect health effects of COVID-19 in Australia. The report includes information on case numbers, deaths, and burden of disease as well as the impact on other diseases, health services, changes in health behaviours and social determinants.

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