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​​​Searching for aged care information online – organisation sources​​

​Grey literature’ is generally used to describe information that has not been subject to a formal publication process and is not held on a bibliographic database. Grey literature can include very useful resources including organisational reports and studies. So knowing how to find literature held on organisational websites can be very helpful.

Added 02 Jul 2024
Potential benefits of Age-Tech monitoring technologies in aged care

​​Age-tech is transforming aged care with real-time monitoring of vital signs, activity, and environment, ensuring older peoples' safety and independence. In our latest blog, Nadège Messier from Grand-App AI explains how AI-powered sensors can decrease risks for older people living at home in the community whilst enhancing communication and care coordination between their families and care providers.

Added 19 Jun 2024
​​The CareSearchgp app: Supporting general practitioners to provide palliative care

​​General practitioners (GPs) play a key role in managing care for patients with life-limiting illnesses, particularly in rural areas lacking specialist palliative services. In our latest blog by Dr. Raechel Damarell, find out about the newly released CareSearchgp app, which offers evidence-based resources to GPs to support advance care planning, symptom management, and essential information when patients opt for a home death.​

​​Asia Pacific Aged Care Hub (APACH): Strengthening Aged Care Across the Region

​​The Asia Pacific Aged Care Hub (APACH) is a capacity building initiative aimed at improving aged care across the Asia Pacific region, through a collaboration between Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA), Flinders University College of Business, Government, and Law and the Caring Futures Institute, with funding support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. APACH brings together experts, practitioners, and policymakers to share insights, best practices, and learnings.

Added 21 May 2024
​​Voices of the Hub Users: Tuning into User Feedback​

​In this blog, Dr Janine Margarita Dizon talks about the findings of the discussions with the Knowledge and Implementation Hub's User Reference Group which are framing improvements to the information and the user's experience of the Hub.

Added 15 May 2024
Supporting aged care staff to manage organisational risks to improve clinical outcomes for older people at the end of their lives

​​Managing risk and providing services that allow the resident to lead a self-determined and self-fulfilling life can sometimes be challenging for staff. In this blog, learn more about how the ELDAC Managing Risk Toolkit can support health professionals and aged care staff to manage organisational risk, when delivering quality palliative care and advance care planning services to older Australians.​

Added 07 May 2024
Exploring the nexus of aged care and digital reforms: Navigating challenges and seizing opportunities

In this blog, Dr Priyanka Vandersman explains why ELDAC’s palliative care dashboard is an example of how digital transformation can be supported by products that align with changing regulations to drive innovation and improve outcomes.

Added 04 Apr 2024
Why don’t we talk about dying

This blog explores the reluctance to discuss death and dying and introduces the Last Days program. Last Days is aimed at providing carers with the practical knowledge and resources to care for those who are in their last days, particularly in rural areas where palliative care services are limited. Find out how the program emphasises the importance of open conversations about end-of-life care and equipping families and communities with the tools to provide compassionate support.

​​Carer Knowledge Exchange: Connecting research to practice to improve outcomes for carers​

​​The Carer Knowledge Exchange (CKE) aims to improve outcomes for family and friend carers by connecting research to practice. Through a digital platform and Research Library, regular events and engagement opportunities, the CKE seeks to help expand, translate and disseminate the carer evidence base to improve carer-focused policy making and practice.

Added 06 Mar 2024
Four clinical governance rabbit holes to avoid

Aged care can shorten development time and increase implementation effectiveness by learning from the previous experiences of the healthcare sector's clinical governance pathways. In this blog, the Australasian Institute of Clinical Governance details four key clinical governance implementation 'rabbit holes', highlighting how stepping over or around these holes can help aged care reduce clinical governance evolution time and increase positive point of care impact.

Added 31 Jan 2024