

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Special report: Rethinking lifestyle in aged care

This article in the Australian Ageing Agenda discusses various lifestyle activities that older people may want to engage in depending on their interests.

South Australia's plan for ageing well 2020-2025

This webpage from SA health outlines the State Government and community's vision and priorities for ageing well for all South Australians.

Social support in your community

This webpage from Aged Care Guide describes the importance of social engagements and strong community networks for the wellbeing of older Australians.

Research on ageing finds meaningful activities are the key to keeping healthy and happy

This article from ABC news discusses the research findings about meaningful activities for older people. 

Promoting engagement with life in older adulthood

This report from Flinders University discusses the findings of a scoping exercise to inform the development and evaluation of a broader program to promote engagement with life among community-dwelling older South Australians.

Patient-centred care - Improving quality and safety through partnerships with patients and consumers

This booklet from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care provides recommendations for the delivery of patient-centred care.

Australian Men’s Shed Association

This webpage provides guidance on the Australian Men’s Shed Association, a national service provider supporting more than 1,200 Men’s, Women’s and Community Sheds. The association is recognised as one of Australia’s largest male-based community development organisations.

Living a meaningful life through gardening activities

This webpage from Opal HealthCare discusses the benefits of gardening as an enjoyable activity that older people can benefit from.

Intergenerational learning and wellbeing program highlights

This webpage from Intergenerational Learning Australia presents findings and experiences of intergenerational learning and wellbeing programs.

How nature enhances wellbeing in aged care residents

This webpage from TriCare discusses ways that nature can enhance wellbeing for aged care residents.