

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Aged Care Grief and Bereavement Support

The Aged Care Grief and Bereavement Support website provides a range of information and resources including individual or group counselling, fact sheets and advice on how to help others. A resource from Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement 

Information Sheet
Grief and bereavement after the death of someone with dementia

This help sheet from Dementia Australia discusses grief and bereavement when the person you care for dies. It suggests some ways to help you deal with these feelings and practical ways to adjust to change.

ELDAC After death audit (Version 2)

The interactive audit by ELDAC provides more detail on care provided to individual residents and families. A baseline audit can be completed for either the most recent five to ten deaths or within a certain timeframe.

Advance Care Planning and Aged Care

The aim of this module from Advance Care Planning Australia is to provide guidance on how and why advance care planning discussions should be initiated with older people 

Information Sheet
Advance care planning (About Dementia)

People who have completed some form of advance care planning are more likely to receive end of life care more aligned to their wishes than those who have not. A Dementia Australia resource.

ELDAC Advance Care Planning and Palliative Care Organisational Audit (Version 2)

Review existing clinical forms, tools, and care management practices against these ELDAC clinical domains. An interactive Advance Care Planning and Palliative Care Organisational Audit that can assist with achieving this action.

What is person-centred care?

This video from the Australian Government Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission explains what person-centred care means and how you can work with your provider to achieve it. (2 min)

What is a person-led approach?

This webpage from NSW Health provides an overview of a person-led approach and links to resources to support person-centred care.

The Lifestyle Engagement Activity Program (LEAP) for Life: Increasing social support and recreation in home care

This report from the University of Sydney discusses the training and implementation of meaningful activities in community aged care and reports on the outcomes.

The changing face of occupational therapy in aged care

This article from Meath Care Inc discusses ways in which occupational therapy can focus on activities that are interesting to older people in residential care settings, as part of the changing times.