

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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National Framework for Advance Care Planning Documents

The national framework for advanced care planning documents supports advance care planning across all states and territories and in different health settings.

Mobile App
MyGrief App

MyGrief app from Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement provides information, tools and resources to support bereaved people and also provides practical strategies for families and friends on how best to support someone in the midst of their bereavement.

Literature Review Summary Report – National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Palliative Care in Aged Care Measure

This Literature Review Report from Department of Health summarises the outcomes of a review of peer-reviewed and grey literature on international and domestic approaches to palliative care in residential aged care facilities. It supports a national evaluation of the Comprehensive Palliative Care in Aged Care Measure. 

Linkages Toolkit

Helping you to establish or improve linkages between aged, primary and palliative care services to provide the best possible palliative care and advance care planning for older persons in your care. An ELDAC resource.

Improving Practice Centre

Improving practice pages from palliAGED provide practical things that those working in aged care can do in relation to a range of end of lif care topics. 

Information Sheet
How to Access Subsidised Home Care Support Services Through My Aged Care 

When a person has an advanced disease, they will need support to continue to be able to live at home. Older Australians can  access Government funded supports and services in the home through My Aged Care.  A resource by CarerHelp.

HomeCare Toolkit

The ELDAC Home Care Toolkit is designed for health professionals and care staff providing palliative care and supporting advance care planning for older Australians living with advanced life limiting illnesses, their families and carers.

Forms to use in Aged Care

palliAGED provides a range of forms and tools to support case conferences, medication management, and self-care.

Exploratory Analysis of Barriers to Palliative Care – Literature Review

Literature review examining the barriers to and enablers of access to palliative care for nine underserved populations including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, care leavers and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

Excellence in Palliative Care in Residential Aged Care

Palliative Care Nurse Practitioners based at Calvary’s Clare Holland House have developed an in-reach model with Canberra residential aged care facilities to deliver palliative care needs rounds and case conferences. (3 min)