

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Why environments matter

This online module from Dementia Training Australia discusses the use of Design Principles to create supportive environments for people living with dementia and develop tools for transformation within workplaces. (1 hr)

Added 30 Jun 2023
A person-centred approach to care

This online module from Dementia Training Australia discusses person-centred care and the priorities for a person-centred approach in aged care settings. The module includes the use of biography and tools to obtain the most relevant elements of the person's life story.

Added 30 Jun 2023
The recognition of pain for direct care workers (module)

This online module from Dementia Training Australia provides an overview of pain, how common it is, and how to recognise pain in people with dementia who can’t tell us that they are in pain. (1 h)

Added 30 Jun 2023
The brain and dementia (module)

This online module from Dementia Training Australia discusses the changes that happen in the brain of a person living with dementia and the impacts on the person. (40 min)

Added 30 Jun 2023
Salutogenic person-centred care (module)

This online module from Dementia Training Australia discusses what person-centred care means especially in understanding the needs of the older person. (10 min)

Added 30 Jun 2023
Talking dementia: Reminiscence and life story work

In this podcast from Dementia Support Australia (DSA), two professors  discusses the meaning and best practice implementation of reminiscence and life story work in dementia care. (33 min)

Added 30 Jun 2023
Family and friends matter: How to stay connected with a person living with dementia

This booklet from Dementia Australia features information, tips and strategies on staying connected to people living with dementia.

Added 30 Jun 2023
7 tips for supporting carers

This webpage from Dementia Australia provides simple tips to help support people who care and provide care to people living with dementia

Added 30 Jun 2023
7 tips for looking after yourself

This webpage from Dementia Australia provides simple practice tips for carers to support them in working with or looking after people living with dementia.

Added 30 Jun 2023
7 tips for healthcare professionals

This webpage from Dementia Australia provides simple practice tips for healthcare professionals to support them in working with people living with dementia. 

Added 30 Jun 2023