Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.
Strategies to recruit and retain volunteers in the aged care setting
As volunteer numbers decline across the country, the importance of effective recruitment and retention of volunteers is in the spotlight. In this blog, Dr Meg Polacsek describes how aged care providers can optimise their efforts to recruit and retain volunteers.
ARIIA at the Global Evidence Summit: Advancing knowledge and evidence for a better global future
In this blog, Dr Janine Margarita Dizon talks about the Global Evidence Summit and how ARIIA is strengthening the capability of the aged care workforce through research and innovation. Dr Dizon was successfully awarded the Academic Professional Development for Overseas Conference Funding by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at Flinders University to participate in the Summit.
Searching for aged care information online – database sources
The final blog of our series – searching for aged care information online. In this blog, we look at how to use databases to bring high quality evidence to your search process.
Searching for aged care information online – organisation sources
Grey literature’ is generally used to describe information that has not been subject to a formal publication process and is not held on a bibliographic database. Grey literature can include very useful resources including organisational reports and studies. So knowing how to find literature held on organisational websites can be very helpful.
Asia Pacific Aged Care Hub (APACH): Strengthening Aged Care Across the Region
The Asia Pacific Aged Care Hub (APACH) is a capacity building initiative aimed at improving aged care across the Asia Pacific region, through a collaboration between Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA), Flinders University College of Business, Government, and Law and the Caring Futures Institute, with funding support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. APACH brings together experts, practitioners, and policymakers to share insights, best practices, and learnings.
Voices of the Hub Users: Tuning into User Feedback
In this blog, Dr Janine Margarita Dizon talks about the findings of the discussions with the Knowledge and Implementation Hub's User Reference Group which are framing improvements to the information and the user's experience of the Hub.
Exploring the nexus of aged care and digital reforms: Navigating challenges and seizing opportunities
In this blog, Dr Priyanka Vandersman explains why ELDAC’s palliative care dashboard is an example of how digital transformation can be supported by products that align with changing regulations to drive innovation and improve outcomes.
Carer Knowledge Exchange: Connecting research to practice to improve outcomes for carers
The Carer Knowledge Exchange (CKE) aims to improve outcomes for family and friend carers by connecting research to practice. Through a digital platform and Research Library, regular events and engagement opportunities, the CKE seeks to help expand, translate and disseminate the carer evidence base to improve carer-focused policy making and practice.
Searching for aged care information online – search sources
This, the first in our blog series, ‘searching for aged care information online’, looks at the basics of Internet searching, considers possible pitfalls and the digital literacy skills needed, along with helpful tips, to navigate the Internet successfully and have confidence in your results.
El Nino officially declared: What does it mean for older Australians?
With the intensity and frequency of heat events expected to increase in Australia, we must better prepare our vulnerable populations. Mehak Oberai from Griffith University explains how mobilising all relevant stakeholders to promote the understanding of ‘heat as a health issue’, can empower older people with increased awareness and improved readiness against this silent killer.