

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Defeating frailty: The power of a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) program

For older people, functional and emotional frailty (and pre-frailty) are associated with higher mortality and morbidity. This self-management hospital-to-home program - INDividualized therapy for Elderly Patients using Exercise and Nutrition to reduce depenDENCE post discharge (INDEPENDENCE) - is showing promising results on its preliminary effectiveness and acceptability among participants.

At home I can do what I like!

‘Small scale living’ or ‘household models’ of residential aged care are now proliferating across the world as an alternative to institutional models, but what are the features that make them work, what does make home, home?

Equip aged care learning packages: Promoting mental health and wellbeing

The Equip Aged Care Learning Packages from the University of Tasmania (Wicking Dementia Centre) are freely available to anyone interested in the aged care sector to help enhance knowledge and keep up to date with current practices.  One of the modules is focused on promoting mental health and wellbeing, and can be accessed by enrolling in the course.

Evaluation of the PHNs’ Improved Access to Psychological Services in Aged Care Facilities initiative: Technical supplement to the final report

This is the supplement to the full report that Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) completed for the Department of Health and Aged Care. It  presents the findings of the stakeholder interviews and the surveys conducted among health professionals, providers and residents about psychological services in residential aged care facilities.

Evaluation of the PHNs’ Improved Access to Psychological Services in Aged Care Facilities initiative: Final report

This full report from  Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) discusses the need for psychological services in residential aged care facilities as part of the primary health network. It presents the findings of a comprehensive evaluation of service models being implemented, the effective models and the recommendations to improve service. 

Mental health services for older people in aged care

This webpage from Aged Care Guide discusses about the importance of looking after the mental health needs of older adults and what services are available for older adults. The aged care workforce can refer older adults to these services if needed. 

Mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The lived experience of Australians aged 75 and over

This report from COTA Australia discusses the experiences of Australians aged 75 and older during the COVID-19 pandemic and how their mental health was impacted by the pandemic.

Top home care innovations in aged care

This report from Enkindle presents top home care innovations in aged care. It provides case studies and examples of technologies and creative service models, and how these can be used in the care setting. (Free registration required to receive report by email.)

Added 26 Jul 2023
Becoming digitally ready: A manual for aged care services

This manual from End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) contains different evidence-based digital tools to support the aged care sector to make the best of technology to enhance care at the end of life. It covers the steps to digital readiness which includes assessing digital maturity, adopting digital tools and technology considerations.

Added 26 Jul 2023
Loneliness and social isolation

This webpage from COTA Victoria discusses a few approaches to address social isolation and loneliness. It also contains a video about the Connecting Communities to Care programs from Bolton Clarke and links to resources from the World Health Organization specific to social prescribing to address social isolation.

Added 26 Jul 2023