

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Web conferencing security

This webpage by the Australian Government Australian Signals Directorate provides guidance on both how to select a web conferencing solution and how to use it securely. It also links to a PDF version that can be saved and printed by the readers.

Added 16 Feb 2023
Interoperability and data quality

This Australian Digital Health Agency webpage defines interoperability and explains why it is needed, along with the benefits for consumers, healthcare providers and provider organisations. It also provides clear information on secure messaging and electronic prescribing.

Added 16 Feb 2023
Cyber security: Helping healthcare providers and their teams better identify threats and mitigate potential impacts

A set of useful tools for the aged care sector from the Australian Digital Health Agency. Includes guides to selecting secure IT products and services, factors to consider when choosing a cloud service provider, and a checklist of questions around security and privacy to put to IT vendors.

Added 16 Feb 2023
Innovation driving care systems capability: Practical lessons from the CARE-IT project

An Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council (ACIITC) report discussing the findings of seven case studies of good practice in technology-enabled care and innovation undertaken by the ACIITC. Technology adopters describe practical lessons learnt in implementing a range of different technological solutions.

Added 16 Feb 2023
Cyber intelligence insights

This CyberCX Cyber Intelligence Insights summary report presents focused, contextualised information intended to be read by senior decision makers. Prepared by CyberCX’s Cyber Intelligence team, these reports present recent trends that will inform organisations’ cyber security posture and risk assessments.

Added 16 Feb 2023
Care robots: Safe or unethical?

This podcast episode by the Charles Sturt University presents views on care robots gaining momentum in the global aged care industry, and raises ethical concerns over the potential impact of replacing human companionship with technology. (17 min)

Added 16 Feb 2023
Building connections: An educational toolkit for staff on the use of socialisation robots in residential aged care

This manual by the Brightwater Care Group presents a toolkit for enhancing the social engagement of older adults with cognitive decline in residential aged care.

Added 16 Feb 2023
Can robots solve our aged care crisis?

This article from The Ethics Centre discusses the use of robots in aged care and lists ten technology developments in the aged care sector.

Added 16 Feb 2023
The use of surveillance and monitoring technology in aged care

This discussion paper by the Government of South Australia, Department of Health and Wellbeing reports on a variety of surveillance and monitoring technologies that may support the care of residents living in residential aged care facilities, particularly the use of CCTV or audio visual surveillance and monitoring.

Added 16 Feb 2023
Social, ethical and economic considerations of smart technologies for ageing well

This report by The University of Adelaide discusses the findings of primary and secondary research activities undertaken to understand what is needed to age well, age well in place and the assets and challenges of using smart technologies at home.

Added 16 Feb 2023