Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

Australians urged to seek out timely dementia diagnosis
This resource from the University of Sydney provides readers with information on the importance of seeking early dementia diagnosis. It provides readers with a checklist to identify dementia symptoms and advice on starting difficult conversations with family members and GP.

Dementia in Australia
This report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare presents information about dementia in Australia, which includes topics such as population health impacts, health services used by people with dementia, and health and aged care expenditure.

Dementia facts and figures
This webpage from Dementia Australia offers comprehensive details on Australian dementia prevalence estimates and future projections, as modelled by the National Centre for Monitoring Dementia (NCMD). Prevalence estimates for the following were provided: National, state, territory; federal electoral divisions; electoral divisions; local government areas; and younger onset dementia.

Meaningful engagement and partnerships in research with people living with dementia and their family
When reflecting on the experience of researching in partnership with people living with dementia and their carers, Dr. Domenica Disalvo, in this blog, acknowledges both the challenges and benefits of co-designing. However, there is a need for researchers to be both flexible and creative in adapting their engagement approaches to enable people living with dementia to fully participate in research, generating real insights into their needs and preferences for care.

Staying at Home: Innovative carer respite and well-being program
Our current blog explores the challenges faced by family carers of individuals living with dementia and highlights the positive impact of the Staying at Home (SAH) program delivered nationally by Dementia Support Australia. Tom Gauci explains how SAH, as an innovative carer well-being and respite program, can empower family carers by encouraging early access to respite, and by providing tools and confidence to navigate changes in their caregiving role.

Helping people living with dementia to look after their eyes
This blog highlights the importance of addressing preventable sight loss for people living with dementia, often due to treatable conditions such as cataract or outdated glasses. It reminds us of the importance of regular eye tests for people living with dementia in any care setting, to detect and address sight problems. This can help them maintain quality of life and continue doing what they value.

Responding to the person: Dementia behaviour support and beyond
Discover how Dementia Support Australia is actively delivering behaviour support services throughout Australia, in partnership with both caregivers and care providers. Feedback is an important part of shaping how support is delivered and how we respond to these programs.

Equip aged care learning packages: Supporting people living with dementia
The Equip Aged Care Learning Packages from the University of Tasmania (Wicking Dementia Centre) are freely available to anyone interested in the aged care sector to help enhance knowledge and keep up to date with current practices. One of the modules is specific to supporting people living with dementia and can be accessed by enrolling in the course.

Should we move our loved one with dementia into a nursing home?
This article from The University of Sydney provides insights about important things to consider when deciding to move a loved one with dementia into a nursing home.

Developing behavioural interventions to manage responsive behaviours
This toolkit from Dementia Training Australia focuses on assessing and managing behavioural interventions for people living with dementia. It also links to resources to assess for wandering in long term care and in community and video presentation with slides on developing behavioural interventions.