

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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What counts as consent? Sexuality and ethical deliberation in residential aged care

This report from Massey University informs conceptualisations of consent in the domain of sexuality and intimacy in residential aged care.

Added 24 Jul 2022
What are changed behaviours? (module)

This module from Dementia Training Australia introduces responsive behaviours, the concept of behaviour communicating needs and how using frameworks can help you to address them.

Added 24 Jul 2022
Webinar: Symposium 1 – Changed behaviours

In this webinar from the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration, an expert panel discuss and answer questions about changed behaviours in dementia. If a person living with dementia is disinhibited in their behaviour, this can attract attention to them and they may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. It can be stressful for staff, families and carers too. (2 h 24 m)

Added 24 Jul 2022
Walking safely with dementia (course)

In this course from Dementia Training Australia, you will learn how to identify and address the issues related to wandering for people living with dementia in the community, and for their carers.

Added 24 Jul 2022
Walking safely with dementia

This booklet from dementia Australia features information, tips and strategies on walking safely and what your community can do to help if you become lost or disoriented.

Added 24 Jul 2022
Walking and dementia

This webpage and video from Alzheimer's WA provides information about walking and dementia including why people walk, tips for reducing the risk of a person getting lost, assistive equipment and what to do if a person becomes lost.

Added 24 Jul 2022
Victorian Aged Care Education and Training Platform

This platform provides education and training on three key areas - dementia care, recognising and providing a palliative response to care, oral hygiene and links to health and well-being.

Added 24 Jul 2022
Vascular dementia

Vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer's disease. This webpage from Dementia Australia provides information about vascular dementia, risk factors, diagnosis, progression, treatment, and possible causes.

Added 24 Jul 2022
Facilitating living using activities to enable and engage the person with dementia

This webinar from Dementia Training Australia explores the benefits of activity engagement for people with dementia, and principles for selecting and individually tailoring activities (*please note you must be logged in as a Dementia Training Australia member (free) to watch video presentations and access resources).

Added 24 Jul 2022
Information Sheet
Understanding the impact of trauma and stress for LGBTI people with dementia

This help sheet from LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and Dementia Support Australia provides information and tips for care staff to better understand the life events the LGBTI person with dementia may have experienced and enable tailored care and support.

Added 24 Jul 2022