

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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An introduction to outdoor engagement activities for older adults

Outdoor activities can have a significant effect on our health, state of mind, and overall well-being. Sarah-Kaye Page reminds us of the benefits of engaging with nature and provides simple, practical suggestions for supporting older adults to reconnect with the outdoors.

Artificial intelligence in aged care: Promises and ageism

Barbara Barbosa Neeves and researcher colleagues from Monash University sought to understand how different aged care stakeholders imagined, designed, and implemented artificial intelligence (AI) for aged care. Their research revealed ageist perceptions as well as a need for a better understanding of the complex aged care environment in designing or implementing technologies for the sector. 

Added 20 Jun 2023
A new workbook arming older Australians with tools to self-manage their health

A workbook is being trialled to help older Australians self-manage their health and continue to achieve their goals after the intensive support of restorative care programs ends. The workbook is part of an ARIIA research grant addressing the gap in services that many restorative care program participants experience before their ongoing home support kicks in.

Translating evidence into practice in aged care organisations

More than ever the Australian aged care sector needs evidence-based innovative solutions, to deliver cost-efficient care to meet the growing needs of an ageing population with complex needs and minimise the workloads of aged care workers. Dr Stephanie Champion explains what the ARIIA Innovator Training Program is doing to meet this sector need.

Added 07 Jun 2023
Commonly asked questions: Voluntary assisted dying in aged care

Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) is an emerging area for aged care in Australia. With VAD operating in all Australian States by the end of November 2023, aged care providers and staff will increasingly receive questions about VAD from those they care for and their families. In this blog, Penny Neller from End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) answers common queries about VAD in aged care.

Half the Story: A guide for meaningful consultation with people impacted by dementia

‘You cannot feel what it is like inside our minds. Without us, you only have half the story.’ Kaele Stokes from Dementia Australia describes a new free resource ‘Half the Story’ aimed at helping organisations engage in meaningful consultation with people living with dementia, their families and carers.

Added 22 May 2023
Building a clinical governance bridge between consumer and staff satisfaction

Staff satisfaction is a predictor of consumer satisfaction and yet the two are often addressed separately. However, staff satisfaction can be built into the pursuit of quality care using clinical governance as a bridge between the two. In these days of searching for solutions to staff retention and consumer satisfaction, addressing them together offers the potential to reap significant rewards for consumers and staff.

Added 04 May 2023
High tech aged care: Why we’re not all there yet

The next generation of aged care customers is on the horizon, and they are likely to expect ‘Uber’ level tech in all aspects of service delivery. Kate Dobie of the ACH Group explains to those outside the sector, including tech providers, why simply adding new technology isn’t as quick or as easy as you might think.

Added 24 Apr 2023
​​Technology-enhanced aged care: No longer an afterthought but key to reform​

​​Dr Kate Barnett, author of the Technology Roadmap for the Australian Aged Care Sector, discusses how we rarely see technology as a part of an ongoing reform process, probably because it has not been central to the traditional design and delivery of care in the Australian aged care system. She discusses how consumer expectations are changing with increased demands for immediacy and for personalisation of services, and that portals are becoming increasingly widespread, and are now part of the aged care ecosystem.​

Added 18 Apr 2023
Support, confidence, coping skills and burnout in residential aged care staff

Given Australia’s ageing population and a growing demand for aged care staff, preventing occupational burnout within residential aged care facilities will continue to be a major challenge for the sector into the future. Researchers from Swinburne University explore some of the unique stressors faced by this workforce and suggest how organisations might address them to improve job satisfaction and worker retention.

Added 11 Apr 2023