

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Dementia kit

Free dementia information kit from Dementia Australia (*please note you must provide some information in order to access this resource).

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia in practice podcast

Provides information on dementia and diagnosis. Podcast topics include the difference between healthy ageing and dementia, diagnosing dementia, and interviews with people living with dementia and their carers.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia in Australia - summary report

This report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare provides information regarding dementia, diagnosis, medications, hospitalisations, aged care services, health care costs, carers, dementia and vulnerable populations.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia in Australia: Nature, prevalence and care

This paper from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety provides a high-level introduction to dementia, including its nature, prevalence in Australia, and research about how to best care for people living with dementia.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia in Australia - Web Report

This report from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety presents some of the key findings and concepts from the Dementia in Australia online compendium.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia: How Alzheimer's Disease affects you and your carer

Second video in a series of three: This video focuses on what Alzheimer's disease is, issues to discuss and decide upon, dealing with Alzheimer's disease, and working together with family/friends and your doctor. (19 min)

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia friendly pharmacy (course)

In this course from Dementia Training Australia, you will explore the ways in which community pharmacies can improve their ability to meet the needs of family carers of people living with dementia.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Mobile App
Dementia-friendly home app

The Dementia-Friendly Home app from Dementia Australia is available for tablets and mobile phones. Using interactive 3D game technology Unreal Engine, the app provides carers with ideas to make their home more accessible for people living with dementia. Many of the app suggestions are small, inexpensive solutions ranging to more significant changes.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia-friendly Environments

This webpage from the Victorian Government Department of Health presents research and provides a guide to establishing a dementia-friendly environment.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia friendly environments

A collection of videos from Dementia Australia related to dementia-friendly environments.

Added 25 Jul 2022