Aged care providers invest significant resources to capture clinical and person-centred data that demonstrates the quality of their care to consumers and governing bodies. However, beyond mandatory reporting, often this data remains underutilised and fragmented. There is a compelling opportunity for providers to leverage this routinely collected data to increase the quality of care and outcomes for their residents and clients.
Data literacy and maturity have been identified by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (2018) and the Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy (2024-2029) as important levers to deliver high quality care.
This Flagship Project aims to empower aged care providers with the knowledge and capability to leverage their existing rich data sources to increase quality of care. This project will develop and embed data capabilities among aged care staff by enhancing the use of routinely collected data for pressure injuries and wound care. In the context of residential aged care, this will include the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator for pressure injuries, and in the context of home care this will include routinely collected data related to wound prevention, identification and care.
Participants from selected aged care implementation sites in this Flagship Project will be supported by ARIIA and subject matter experts to identify, leverage and enhance routinely collected data regarding pressure injury and wound prevention, identification, management, and reporting. They will use data-driven insights to identify an opportunity to address a relevant problem and will be supported to develop and implement an evidence-based intervention specific to their implementation site’s context. These interventions intend to reduce both the incidence and severity of pressure injuries and wounds in a variety of aged care settings.
While this project will focus on pressure injuries and wound care, learnings about data management and reporting are intended to be transferable to any other data collected within the organisation.
A recording of ARIIA’s Flagship Project online information session is available to watch here.
The recording is divided into chapters so you can easily navigate to the information most relevant to you.
Applications now open
Application documents
It is recommended that you download and save a copy of the application form, and work on the application on an MS Word desktop application.
If you have any questions or issues, please email