
Flagship Project 1

Enhancing Role Clarity, Communication and Career Pathways with a Flexible Leadership Model

This Flagship Project aims to optimise workforce utilisation in residential and home care settings through the co-design of a flexible role matrix, streamlining responsibilities, accountabilities, and communication channels. By engaging leaders and staff in a comprehensive co-design process, the project will improve workforce efficiency, reduce occupational stress, and create clearer career pathways, enhancing staff retention, leadership development, and communication between residents/clients, families and staff. 

This project leverages the evidence established from a successful ARIIA-grant funded pilot intervention that has demonstrated significant benefits for aged care residents, their families, and staff. Initially developed and tested by St Basil’s Homes South Australia and Griffith University, this intervention co-designed, trialled, and evaluated a flexible leadership model for middle management. 

The project mapped an innovative role matrix, which redefined role scopes, accountabilities, and communication channels. Implementation of organisational approaches based on this mapping led to clearer career progression opportunities and greater role clarity for staff, alongside improvements in perceptions of quality of care and overall satisfaction with care among residents and families. Additionally, the findings reported reduced occupational stress and lower intentions to leave amongst employees, contributing to a more stable and engaged workforce.

This Flagship Project will support participating aged care providers to adapt the co-design role matrix mapping process to their unique context, supported closely by ARIIA and Griffith University. As part of the project, each implementation site will develop and implement for 6 months an intervention that addresses their specific opportunities and challenges, for example the introduction of a new leadership role, process improvements, or enhanced governance and communication mechanisms.

A recording of ARIIA’s Flagship Project online information session is available to watch here.
The recording is divided into chapters so you can easily navigate to the information most relevant to you.

Applications now open

ARIIA is seeking applications from Australian aged care providers who would like one of their residential aged care facilities or home care regions to participate as an implementation site.

  • Applications will be accepted from aged care providers to be a participating implementation site only. Applications from pre-formed consortia or partnerships will not be accepted. 
  • There is a separate application process for each Flagship Project.
  • Providers can apply for both Flagship Projects but will be required to submit a separate application for each. 
  • Up to 6 providers will be selected to participate in Flagship Project 1.
  • Applications will be assessed with an emphasis on ensuring representation across diverse aged care contexts, including residential and home care; metropolitan and regional, rural and remote; small and large; for-profit and not-for-profit organisations.
  • The selected providers will receive up to $120,000 ex GST to implement the 12-month project in defined project stages. Matched co-contribution is required (cash and/or in-kind). 
  • Applications close Thursday 24 April 2025, 5pm ACST.
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Application documents

It is recommended that you download and save a copy of the application form, and work on the application on an MS Word desktop application.

If you have any questions or issues, please email

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