
ARIIA publications

ARIIA is dedicated to sharing the findings of its research activities. Journal articles undergo an external peer review process and meet the editorial standards of their respective publications. In contrast, trade journal articles, while often blending opinion and evidence, are not typically peer-reviewed but still adhere to specific editorial criteria and internal quality review by ARIIA staff.


National aged care rehabilitation and reablement roundtables Gough, C, & Tieman, J. National Aged Care Rehabilitation and Reablement Roundtables. ARIIA. White Paper No.1. Adelaide, South Australia: Flinders University College of Nursing and Health Sciences: 2024. Available at: Doi:

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Enhancing Wellbeing: Integrating meaningful lifestyle activities into aged care. Gough, C, & Tieman, J. Enhancing Wellbeing: Integrating meaningful lifestyle activities into aged care. ARIIA. White Paper No.2. Adelaide, South Australia: Flinders University College of Nursing and Health Sciences: 2024. Available at: Doi:

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Factors that influence the implementation of innovation in aged care: a scoping review Windle, Alice; Marshall, Amy; de la Perrelle, Lenore; Champion, Stephanie; Ross, Paul D.S.; Harvey, Gillian; Davy, Carol. Factors that influence the implementation of innovation in aged care: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Implementation 22(1):p 61-80, February 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000407
Restoring Function Gough C; Leeson J. Australian Aging Agenda, September - October, p. 42-43
Fostering an aged care organizational culture that supports innovation Davy, Carol Patricia; Windle, Alice; Harvey, Gillian. Fostering an aged care organizational culture that supports innovation. JBI Evidence Implementation 22(4):p 405-417, November 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000465
Take the time: When activities are meaningful, they bring joy and connection to aged care recipients Gough C; Tieman J. Australian Ageing Agenda, Nov-Dec 2024, p. 40-41.


Rehabilitation, reablement, and restorative care approaches in the aged care sector: a scoping review of systematic reviews Gough, C., Damarell, R.A., Dizon, J., Ross, P.D.S., Tieman, J. Rehabilitation, reablement, and restorative care approaches in the aged care sector: a scoping review of systematic reviews. BMC Geriatr 25, 44 (2025).
Leading the way: implementing aged care innovations Davy, Carol; Windle, Alice; Marshall, Amy; Harvey, Gillian. Leading the way: implementing aged care innovations. JBI Evidence Implementation 23(1):p 119-130, January 2025. | DOI: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000466
We are the champions, my friend! Key considerations in selecting and supporting champions to promote implementation in aged care Windle, Alice; Marshall, Amy; Harvey, Gillian; Davy, Carol. We are the champions, my friend! Key considerations in selecting and supporting champions to promote implementation in aged care. JBI Evidence Implementation ():10.1097/XEB.0000000000000493, February 18, 2025. | DOI: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000493
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