

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Indigenous aged care design guide

The Indigenous Aged Care Design Guide from Dementia Training Australia and Health Habitat is a resource to assist in the design, construction, ongoing assessment and maintenance of aged care facilities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Added 26 Jul 2022
Improving quality of life for people with dementia living in residential aged care

This video animation from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre describes the standard model of aged care and the home-like, or cluster, model of aged care with statistics from the Australian context of dementia care. (2 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
'I have dementia' card

If you are out in public, you may need to let other people (for example the bus driver, cafe staff or receptionist) know that you, or the person you support, has dementia. This card from Forward with Dementia discretely alerts people that you may require their help and support.

Added 26 Jul 2022
How to support people living with dementia staying at home (Webinar 1 of 3)

The first in a series of three webinars from Dementia Training Australia exploring how a family home can be bolstered to reduce the burden of dementia, what moving house might mean, and how a new home can still be supportive (*please note you must be logged in as a Dementia Training Australia member (free) to watch video presentations and access resources). (42 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
How to support everyday decision-making for people living with dementia in residential aged care

This booklet from the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration has been written to help you understand why it is important for you to support people with dementia to make everyday decisions. There are practical examples in this booklet of how to do this.

Added 26 Jul 2022
Information Sheet
How to help a person with dementia who has pain

The information in this helpsheet from Dementia Support Australia provides family and community with tips to recognise and understand pain, and includes some ideas that can help.

Added 26 Jul 2022
How to ensure advance care planning documents are available when needed

In this video from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, Dr Dimity Pond talks about the storage of advance care planning documents and how to ensure they are available when needed. (1 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
Information Sheet
How to design dementia-friendly care environments

This help sheet from Dementia Australia outlines the key principles to enable you to make simple changes at home or in a care facility to help make the best of everyday life.

Added 26 Jul 2022
Information Sheet
How supporting aids can help

This help sheet from Dementia Australia explains how supportive aids can be used to assist people living with dementia by supporting their independence, reducing the risk of dangerous situations occurring, helping them maintain a sense of well-being and staying at home longer.

Added 26 Jul 2022