

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Reducing depression in nursing homes requires more than just antidepressants

Professor Sunil Bhar, the co-founder of The Wellbeing Clinic for Older Adults, describes the issue of aged care residents and depression in an article for The Conversation.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners clinical guide (Silver Book) 5th ed. Part A. Mental health

Guidance for general practitioners working in aged care. Highlights some of the more prevalent mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety disorder, suicide, bipolar and schizophrenia, and provides information regarding their diagnosis and management.

Psychological treatment services for people with mental illness in residential aged care facilities

This document from The Australian Government Department of Health details the role of Primary Health Networks in commissioning psychological treatment services targeting the mental health needs of people living in residential aged care facilities.

Psychological therapies provided by mental health professionals for underserviced groups

This document from the Australian Government Department of Health provides guidance on primary health network primary mental health care flexible funding pool.

Psychiatry services for older people: Position statement 22

A position statement on care of older people with mental illness from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.

Principles of wellness and reablement

A tool from the Department of Health and Aged Care to help Commonwealth Home Support Programme workers to understand the principles of wellness and reablement and how they can be applied practically in service delivery.

The prevalence, reporting, and treatment of anxiety among older adults in nursing homes and other residential aged care facilities

Little is known about anxiety in aged care populations, despite its increase in this frail population. This study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders investigated the prevalence, recording, and treatment rate of anxiety disorders among aged care residents.

Older persons mental health: Upcoming events

The Centre for Mental Health Learning Victoria provides a directory of training opportunities in topics relevant to mental health for people over 65 years. Includes links to online courses, past webinars or training that can be provided at a service.

Information Sheet
Older adults opening up about anxiety and depression

For some older people, talking about personal matters does not come easy. This sheet from Beyond Blue provides tips and strategies for older people with mental health concerns to share how they are feelings with people who may support them.

More good days wellness wheel

The More Good Days Wellness Wheel from the Department of Health and Aged Care is a tool for home care support workers to help them understand what is important to their client, what gives their life meaning, where they currently are, and where they want to be.