

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Online symposium: Making person-centred care a reality

This symposium, hosted by the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration and Dementia Training Australia, reflects on progress since the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and safety, and added challenges of COVID-19 (*please note you must be logged in as a Dementia Training Australia member (free) to watch video presentations and access resources). (5 h)  

Added 21 Jul 2022
One day the support was gone: The mental health impact of COVID-19 on people living with dementia, their families and carers

This paper from Dementia Australia describes how the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted/be impacting the physical, social, and mental well-being of people living with dementia, and their families/carers.

Added 21 Jul 2022
Observe a change - Consider pain

This resource from The Dementia Centre, HammondCare, and the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre has been designed as an educational intervention for aged care staff to provide a person-centric, pain management plan for people living with dementia.

Added 21 Jul 2022
Navigating the system: Finding supports after a dementia diagnosis

This webinar from Forward with Dementia will guide diagnosticians and primary care practitioners to help their patients access services. (48 min)

Added 21 Jul 2022
A clinician’s field guide to good practice - Managing behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

The aim of this field guide from the Dementia Collaborative Research Centre is to provide initial points for consideration for clinicians in their role of assisting carers and care workers caring for persons living with dementia, who present with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

Added 21 Jul 2022
Information Sheet
Navigating dementia support

Information from Alzheimer's WA regarding navigating dementia support, help at home, respite care, support groups, deciding on residential care, models of care, understanding wellbeing, and domains of well-being.

Added 21 Jul 2022
About you… early planning

If you have been diagnosed with dementia, this help sheet from Dementia Australia may be useful. It makes suggestions about planning for the future. It also tells you who can assist you to do this.

Added 21 Jul 2022
National Framework for Action on Dementia 2015 - 2019

The purpose of the Framework from the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council is to guide the development and implementation of actions, plans and policies to reduce the risk of dementia and improve outcomes for people with dementia and their carers.

Added 21 Jul 2022
My life plan worksheet

A worksheet from Forward with Dementia to identify your goals and work out strategies to overcome barriers to achieving those goals.

Added 21 Jul 2022
Music engagement and dementia

HammondCare’s Music Engagement Project aims to empower residents living with dementia through the experience of music. This video is about music engagement for people living with dementia. (3 min)

Added 21 Jul 2022