

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Different links with information and resources on wellbeing and self care

Added 20 Dec 2023
Health, aged and disability care

Resources for strengthening workplace wellbeing (organisational self-care)

Added 20 Dec 2023
COVID-19 aged care grief and trauma support services

Services for aged care staff, residents, home care recipientys, and families of senior Australians.

Added 20 Dec 2023
Coffee helping to stir much-needed end of life conversations in aged care

Discussed the initiative in supporting aged care workers to talk about death

Added 19 Dec 2023
Significant staff shortages in aged care

Discussed staff shortages in aged care and suggest ways that aged care providers can take matters in their own hands

Added 19 Dec 2023
Mental health services for older people in aged care

This webpage from Aged Care Guide discusses about the importance of looking after the mental health needs of older adults and what services are available for older adults. The aged care workforce can refer older adults to these services if needed. 

Loneliness and social isolation

This webpage from COTA Victoria discusses a few approaches to address social isolation and loneliness. It also contains a video about the Connecting Communities to Care programs from Bolton Clarke and links to resources from the World Health Organization specific to social prescribing to address social isolation.

Added 26 Jul 2023
Leisure options in nursing homes

This webpage from Aged Care Guide describes various leisure activities available in nursing homes such as community outings, dress-up days and special occasions and other lifestyle needs. 

Aged care innovations to keep your loved ones engaged

This webpage from Homage provides tips for family and friends to support older people to stay engaged and socially connected using technology.

Added 19 Jul 2023
The Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP)

The Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP) provides aids, equipment and modifications to help eligible veterans, war widowed partners and dependants  to live safely and independently. The RAP webpage links to other resources such as guidelines, forms, schedules, and more, to assists clients in accessing the program.