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Aged care workforce planning and support programs

This webinar provided information on aged care workforce planning and support programs available to assist providers. It included information on the Business and Workforce Advisory Service and the Remote and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care Service Development Assistance Panel.

Added 12 Jun 2024
Food, glorious food: What to do if it's not

This freely accessible recorded webinar from the Older Persons Advocacy Network discusses with a panel of people from varying organisations and government departments, what older adults can expect from service providers in dining experiences and how to give effective feedback. 57 min

Video: Familiar places webinar 2: Bedrooms and dining areas, Mar 21

This webinar hosted by Dementia Training Australia discusses how to create dining spaces which can be accessed by residents with dementia, and that mimic dining experiences found in the community including outdoor spaces, cafés, dining tables for larger meals and coffee tables for snacks. 45 min

Food, dining and nutrition webinar: Swallowing, texture-modified diets and nutrition

The final webinar of three by the Australian Government Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission discussing food, dining and nutrition in aged care with a focus on swallowing difficulties and texture modification. 1 h

Optimising the moral resilience of residential aged care nurses

This webinar focuses upon how to optimise moral resilience amongst aged care nurses, by reflecting initially upon COVID-19 impacts upon healthcare workers, followed by why moral resilience matters to aged care nurses in practice, and finally a research agenda to support the moral resilience of aged care nurses. 

Added 20 Dec 2023
Optimising the moral resilience of residential aged care nurses

This webinar focuses upon how to optimise moral resilience amongst aged care nurses, by reflecting initially upon COVID-19 impacts upon healthcare workers, followed by why moral resilience matters to aged care nurses in practice, and finally a research agenda to support the moral resilience of aged care nurses. 

Added 20 Dec 2023
Responding to changes in behaviour

This video from Dementia Australia discusses changes happening to people living with dementia and strategies to communicate and engage with them. (6 min)

Added 30 Jun 2023
Dementia practice webinar recording: Making a difference in dementia care

This webinar from Dementia Australia discusses challenges in providing care for people living with dementia and the experiences in managing the care for the older people from the perspectives of various providers. (1 h 33 m)

Added 28 Jun 2023
Dementia practice webinar series: Enhancing communication in dementia support

This webinar from Dementia Australia discusses communication challenges and practical strategies to communicate effectively with people living with dementia. (1 h)

Added 28 Jun 2023
Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP), provides a range of aids, equipment and home modifications to support clients living independently at home

This webinar by OPAN discusses the range of aids, equipment and modifications available through Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP), eligibility requirements and how to access RAP. (46 min)