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Added 20 Dec 2023
Added 20 Dec 2023
Duty of care: aged care sector in crisis

Encourage constructive debate and discussion on matters of national economic importance

Added 20 Dec 2023
Enriching life through care national roundtable program final report

Included discussion on workplace culture and concerns about staff exhaustion and burnout and its capacity for staff to engage positively to drive change

Added 20 Dec 2023
Strategies for avoiding burnout in aged care

Reflective post on what drains an individual's energy and wellbeing reserves

Added 19 Dec 2023
Supporting the residential aged care workforce for COVID-19 recovery

Provides recommendations to support the aged care workforce

Added 19 Dec 2023
Protecting mental health when working in aged care tips for aged care managers

A tip sheet about what aged care managers can do to support the mental wellbeing of their staff during COVID-19. 

Added 19 Dec 2023
Evaluation of the PHNs’ Improved Access to Psychological Services in Aged Care Facilities initiative: Technical supplement to the final report

This is the supplement to the full report that Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) completed for the Department of Health and Aged Care. It  presents the findings of the stakeholder interviews and the surveys conducted among health professionals, providers and residents about psychological services in residential aged care facilities.

Evaluation of the PHNs’ Improved Access to Psychological Services in Aged Care Facilities initiative: Final report

This full report from  Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) discusses the need for psychological services in residential aged care facilities as part of the primary health network. It presents the findings of a comprehensive evaluation of service models being implemented, the effective models and the recommendations to improve service. 

Mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The lived experience of Australians aged 75 and over

This report from COTA Australia discusses the experiences of Australians aged 75 and older during the COVID-19 pandemic and how their mental health was impacted by the pandemic.