

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Aged care reform success: Digital transformation

This Australian Ageing Agenda article describes the need for digital transformation in aged care and briefly discusses the factors that have driven the need for technology. It also lists some starting points.

Added 17 Feb 2023
Four ways to improve the use of technology in aged care homes

This article, written by Aged Care Essentials, describes the problems and solutions to improve the use of technology in aged care homes.

Added 17 Feb 2023
Can robots solve our aged care crisis?

This article from The Ethics Centre discusses the use of robots in aged care and lists ten technology developments in the aged care sector.

Added 16 Feb 2023
Stop Framing Wellness Programs Around Self-Care

An article published by the Harvard Business Review argues that self-care is no longer enough. Instead leaders should focus on team members taking care of each other.

Added 21 Nov 2022
Burnout Is About Your Workplace, Not Your People

Burnout is preventable. According to an article Harvard Business Review it requires good organizational hygiene, better data, asking more timely and relevant questions, smarter budgeting (more micro-budgeting), and ensuring that wellness offerings are included as part of your well-being strategy.

Added 21 Nov 2022
The changing face of occupational therapy in aged care

This article from Meath Care Inc discusses ways in which occupational therapy can focus on activities that are interesting to older people in residential care settings, as part of the changing times.

Special report: Rethinking lifestyle in aged care

This article in the Australian Ageing Agenda discusses various lifestyle activities that older people may want to engage in depending on their interests.

Research on ageing finds meaningful activities are the key to keeping healthy and happy

This article from ABC news discusses the research findings about meaningful activities for older people. 

How lifestyle activities enrich the lives of aged care residents

This article from St Jude's Health Care discusses how different types of activities may satisfy the needs of aged care residents.

Harvesting the health benefits from gardening in aged care

In this article from the Australian Ageing Agenda, Cath Manuel discusses how aged care facilities should ensure that residents have access to gardens, which research shows bring us all physical and psychological benefits.