

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Self-care Room

The self-care room provided by ELDAC is a place for aged care workers to discover resources to use now or when needed or to download and share.

Symptoms and Medicines

These webpages from palliAGED are a resource to guide evidence-based practice in the care of older people in the last days of their life (terminal phase).

Information Sheet
Tips for visiting

When someone has memory loss, is confused, becomes easily upset or doesn’t talk very much, visiting can seem daunting. It can be helpful to have some strategies to make home and residential care visits more comfortable. A resources by CarerHelp.

Understanding the Aged Care standards (Palliative Care)

Aged Care Quality Standards focus on outcomes for those people using their services. This palliAGED resource makes it easier for consumers, their families, carers and representatives to understand what they can expect from a service. 

What matters to me: Conversation guide

What matters to me is a brochure from the Department of Health and Aged Care providing ideas on how to start the conversation about your end-of-life care.

Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program

PACOP aims to systematically improve resident, family & carer outcomes for palliative aged care. It by helps aged care homes to embed the use of standardised outcomes assessments and tools, and to use the information gathered to respond in a timely way.

palliAGED Introductory Modules

The palliAGED Introduction modules for aged care nurses provide a gateway to training and understanding in palliative care including symptoms and care issues.

Mobile App
palliAGED Apps

The palliAGED apps provide nurses and GPs with easy and convenient access to information to help them care for people approaching the end of their life. Timely access to palliative care information can support the clinical care being provided.

Pain Management Guide (PMG) Toolkit for Aged Care, 2nd Edition

The Pain Management Guide Toolkit by NARI for Aged Care is a free resource to help the book Pain in Residential Aged Care Facilities.

2018 National Palliative Care Strategy

The National Palliative Care Strategy represents the commitment of the Commonwealth, state and territory governments to ensuring the highest possible level of palliative care is available to all people.