
Implementing Technology - Supported Home-based Care for Older Australians

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National Ageing Research Institute in partnership with Silverchain has been awarded an ARIIA grant for their ‘Implementing Technology-Supported Home-based Care for Older Australians’ project.

Many older Australians receive home-based aged care services, and the use of home-care services in Australia has increased 3-fold over the last 10 years (AIHW 2022), resulting in severe shortages of staff to deliver home-care packages (Royal Commission 2019). A lack of adequate and timely access to home-based aged care services results in higher mortality, and increased likelihood of transition to permanent residential aged care (Visvanathan 2019).

Urgent solutions are required to improve staff capacity and capability. One solution is to adopt multidisciplinary approaches to home-based care by complementing traditional face-to-face approaches with technology-supported options. This will improve the care for older people by enabling their highest level of independence in the home setting despite staff shortages. 

Many technologies are available and being rapidly integrated into use. Before technology-supported approaches can be implemented, an understanding of the comfortability, acceptability, competency, enablers and barriers in using technological solutions among clients, staff, and organisations is needed. Silverchain have undertaken initial pilot work to understand these factors with their community clients. NARI and Silverchain, through co-design methods, will identify the technological capacity of the aged care workforce to integrate technology into the care they provide in the home.


Background and Aims 

Urgent solutions are required to improve the capacity and capability of aged care organisations to meet the demand for in-home aged care services in Australia. One of the solutions recommended is using technology-supported care. Technology can improve the quality of care delivered in the home-based aged care setting, however the enablers and barriers to technology implementation in this setting are relatively unknown. The aim of this project was to develop a framework designed specifically for the Australian in-home aged care context to guide aged care organisations in the implementation of technology.

What We Did

The development of the framework was informed by a previous client survey regarding technology use, a literature review of the enablers and barriers to technology implementation in home-based aged care, a staff survey about staff digital literacy and perspectives on the use of technology, staff interviews further exploring enablers and barriers to technology use, a co-design workshop and a case study.


A framework designed specifically for the Australian in-home aged care context to guide aged care organisations in the implementation of technology has been developed and will be publicly availably shortly. 

Impact on Aged Care and Workforce 

While there are generic technology implementation frameworks, this is first framework to be designed and developed for the aged care workforce and their organisations specifically for implementing technology for supporting in-home care. It has also been developed specifically for the Australian context.

It will be an invaluable resource for organisations and their staff in developing implementation plans for technology-supported care. It will support the workforce in decision making about the care they provide.

Resources Developed

The implementation framework has been developed - Evidence-based framework to support in-home aged care providers implement digital technologies. This framework provides a guide for best-practice implementation of health-related technology, specifically for older people and the aged care workforce in home care settings across Australia. It provides information on how to reduce barriers to implementing technology and leverage enablers to ensure quality of care. 

Next Steps 

The next steps of this project are to promote the framework internally within Silverchain and to launch the framework to the aged-care industry sector. The team will also explore further opportunities to develop case studies using the implementation framework, conduct detailed cost analysis of using the framework and act on feedback from users regarding the framework. In addition, the team will explore opportunities to assess the framework’s suitability and adaptability for use directly by home-based aged care clients and their carers.

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Implementation Framework for Enabling Technology

Explore the evidence-based framework.