

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Information Sheet
Supported decision -making: Help and assistance for decision-makers and supporters

The supported Decision-Making Help Sheet from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre provides an introduction to supported decision-making (available in English, Greek, Simplified Chinese, and Italian).

Added 23 Jul 2022
Supported decision-making in dementia care: Final project report

Through legal, policy and empirical social science research, the investigator team from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre documented current practice in supported decision-making and areas where policy and practice will need to adapt.

Added 23 Jul 2022
Supported decision-making in aged care: A policy development guideline for aged care providers in Australia

This document from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre provides evidence-based, practically-focused policy guidelines for aged care providers with tools to involve aged care residents with decisions.

Added 23 Jul 2022
Supported decision-making: A Guide for people living with Dementia, Family members and carers

This handbook from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centrehas practical tips and suggestions and provides a step-by-step approach to put supported decision-making into practice. 

Added 23 Jul 2022
Supported decision-making for people living with dementia - Meredith Blake

Meredith Blake's presentation on supported decision-making as part of the ‘We’ in Dementia Community Services Symposium. (22 min)

Added 23 Jul 2022
Supported decision making and risk

This video from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre explains supported decision-making for people with dementia from the perspective of a person with a diagnosis of dementia, carers, a geriatrician and an aged care facility manager. (6 min)

Added 23 Jul 2022
Information Sheet
Strategic roadmap for dementia research and translation

The Strategic Roadmap for Dementia Research and Translation guides the dementia research sector in meeting the urgent challenge that dementia presents to Australia’s health, economy and society. This resource is from the NHMRC National Institute for Dementia Research.

Added 23 Jul 2022
Stories from Forward with Dementia

A collection of stories from people living with dementia and/or carers.

Added 23 Jul 2022
STOPP/START criteria

STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Persons' Prescriptions) and START (Screening Tool to Alert to Right Treatment) are explicit criteria that facilitate medication review in multi-morbid older people in most clinical settings (Admin time: Highly operator dependent - 5 mins for an expert, up to 20-30 mins).

Added 23 Jul 2022

Planning ahead is thinking about your future, and putting things in place so that your choices will be known and acted on if you cannot express these choices yourself later in life. Start2Talk provides resources to encourage conversations about care planning.

Added 23 Jul 2022