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Commonwealth Home Support Programme Digital Landing Page – reablement resources

This webpage from the Department of Health and Aged Care provides a list of products for Commonwealth Home Support Programme organisations to access.  

Australian Association of Gerontology Position Paper: Wellness and reablement for all Australians receiving home, community, and residential aged care services

This position paper provides direction to the Australian Government, policymakers and service providers on the 10 core principles of wellness and re-enablement.

Information Sheet
Australian Association of Gerontology Fact Sheet 5: Case studies exploring reablement approaches

This fact sheet from the Australian Association of Gerontology presents case studies on reablement approaches.

Information Sheet
Australian Association of Gerontology Fact Sheet 4: List of published evidence on reablement approaches

This fact sheet provides an exhaustive list of publications on reablement approaches and their summaries.

Toolkit for embedding wellness and reablement into your organisation

This toolkit from the Department of Health serves as a guide for service providers to effectively implement wellness and reablement principles.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Manual

This 2022-2023 manual from the Department of Health and Aged Care provides an overview of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, including the service types it funds and requirements for delivering those services. It is for CHSP-funded service providers to use, and forms part of their CHSP grant agreement.

A practical guide for embedding wellness and reablement into service delivery

This manual from the Department of Health provides practical information and tools needed to embed wellness and reablement approaches in their service delivery approach.

Information Sheet
Reablement tip sheet

This document from KeepAble serves as a guide to start and explore reablement services.

Principles for goal setting

This document from the Department of Health and Aged Care is written for health professionals and outlines the concepts of person-centred goals and supports the development of individual client goals.

Dementia specific training and resources

This free online training from The Advance Project focuses on initiating end-of-life conversations and assessing palliative care needs of people living with dementia. The training and resources have been specifically created for clinicians, managers, and careworkers in aged and primary care settings to build confidence, capacity and skills.

Added 29 Jul 2022