

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Wellbeing and Self-Care

Working with people who have experienced trauma can impact on your health and wellbeing, as well as expose you to trauma at work. Phoenix Australia have resources to help support your own wellbeing while caring for others.

Added 21 Nov 2022
Stop Framing Wellness Programs Around Self-Care

An article published by the Harvard Business Review argues that self-care is no longer enough. Instead leaders should focus on team members taking care of each other.

Added 21 Nov 2022
Mental wellbeing at work

This guideline by National Institute for Health and Care Excellence covers how to create the right conditions for mental wellbeing at work. It aims to promote a supportive and inclusive work environment.

Added 21 Nov 2022
Is your organization at risk for burnout?

This tool by the Workplace Strategies for Mental Health can help you assess your work-related stress which can contribute to burnout. (Clicking on the link will download a PDF.)

Added 21 Nov 2022
Identifying and managing fatigue and burnout during COVID-19

This guide by Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance helps organisations and businesses understand the impact of fatigue in the workplace and provides practical steps to minimise these impacts in the workplace.

Added 21 Nov 2022
Doing what matters in times of stress: an illustrated guide

The guide by World Health Organization aims to equip people with practical skills to help cope with stress. It is available in a number of different languages.

Added 21 Nov 2022
Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook

This workbook by The Wellness society provides tools and techniques for reducing stress and anxiety arising from the covid 19 pandemic.

Added 21 Nov 2022
Burnout Is About Your Workplace, Not Your People

Burnout is preventable. According to an article Harvard Business Review it requires good organizational hygiene, better data, asking more timely and relevant questions, smarter budgeting (more micro-budgeting), and ensuring that wellness offerings are included as part of your well-being strategy.

Added 21 Nov 2022
Am I at risk for burnout?

This tool by the Workplace Strategies for Mental Health can help you assess your work-related stress which can contribute to burnout. (Clicking on the link will download a PDF.)

Added 21 Nov 2022
End-of-life project builds aged care palliative care capacity

Shona McQueen from Catholic Health Australia describes the work of End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC). This initiative, funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, aims to improve the aged care workforce’s capacity to provide quality palliative and advance care planning.