

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Palliative Perspectives blog (residential aged care)

The CareSearch Palliative Perspectives (blog) informs and provides a platform for sharing views, tips, and ideas related to palliative care from community members and health professionals.

Self-Care Matters Aged Care

The Self-Care Matters (Aged Care) resource assists aged care workers in residential facilities or community settings with practising self-care to support the quality and sustainability of the care they provide to older Australians.

Self-care Room

The self-care room provided by ELDAC is a place for aged care workers to discover resources to use now or when needed or to download and share.

Symptoms and Medicines

These webpages from palliAGED are a resource to guide evidence-based practice in the care of older people in the last days of their life (terminal phase).

Understanding the Aged Care standards (Palliative Care)

Aged Care Quality Standards focus on outcomes for those people using their services. This palliAGED resource makes it easier for consumers, their families, carers and representatives to understand what they can expect from a service. 

Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program

PACOP aims to systematically improve resident, family & carer outcomes for palliative aged care. It by helps aged care homes to embed the use of standardised outcomes assessments and tools, and to use the information gathered to respond in a timely way.

Improving Practice Centre

Improving practice pages from palliAGED provide practical things that those working in aged care can do in relation to a range of end of lif care topics. 

Evidence Centre

The palliAGED Evidence Centre contains evidence summaries across a wide range of palliative care topics of relevance to aged care. Each of these concise summaries of systematic review evidence is accompanied by relevant resources from the Centre’s Practice Centre and a fuller analysis in the form of an Evidence Synthesis. 

Diverse Population Groups

This webpage from ELDAC focuses on considerations for diverse population groups. Older Australians are from many different backgrounds, so each person will express their identity in different ways. Being part of a group with others from the same background can help to connect people, but diversity within groups and across groups also exists.

ELDAC Digital Dashboard

The ELDAC digital dashboard is a system application that IT companies can embed in their aged care system. It is designed to track and visually represent key End of Life care processes and indicators relevant for reporting and clinical decision making.