

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Aligning business and care models to succeed

A KeepAble resource on the importance of aligning business and care models when implementing wellness and reablement within a home care organisation.

Reablement and diversity

A KeepAble resource on the importance of wellness and reablement approaches in aged care that are inclusive of all cultural backgrounds.

A wellness and reablement approach: A cultural change

A KeepAble resource on the importance of creating an organisational culture where staff at every level are motivated to assist home care clients to gain or regain skills and confidence to achieve their goals. Describes reablement drivers as well as potential barriers to implementing a wellness and reablement approach in a home care service.

Setting goals and achieving them

This KeepAble guide highlights the importance of client goal setting and goal-directed activities, and provides recommendations to guide home care staff to plan support and help clients achieve their goals.

How to achieve successful coaching

Delivering effective wellness and reablement support is the fundamental cornerstone of a successful home care service. This webpage from KeepAble provides supervisors with tips  and guidance on coaching staff in effective reablement approaches.

Why wellness and reablement are important in aged care

This webpage from KeepAble presents comprehensive information about wellness and reablement with links to videos for additional information about ageing and healthy ageing.

Embedding wellness and reablement roadmap

This webpage from KeepAble presents a guide to embed wellness and reablement in home care programs based on key areas of leadership and culture, outcomes and service delivery, inclusivity, people and systems and measurement and reporting. 

How to implement reablement

This implementation guide by KeepAble  covers the elements of effective reablement, including assessment and goal-setting. This resource provides links to tips sheets and a range of other downloadable practical resources to help the home care workforce introduce a reablement approach.

7 tips for supporting carers

This webpage from Dementia Australia provides simple tips to help support people who care and provide care to people living with dementia

Added 30 Jun 2023
7 tips for looking after yourself

This webpage from Dementia Australia provides simple practice tips for carers to support them in working with or looking after people living with dementia.

Added 30 Jun 2023