

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Social isolation: Solving one of aged care’s biggest health issues

This article from Pearl Home Care discusses factors leading to social isolation and some programs or activities to address social isolation and loneliness.

Added 28 Jul 2022
Social isolation

This webpage from Council on the Ageing Victoria describes issues about social isolation and provides a link to another document specific to impact of social isolation on mental health and wellbeing of older Victorians.

Added 28 Jul 2022
Meet the Hubs: Combating loneliness in older Australians

This webpage from Independent Living Assessment provides a list and link to all the community-led groups providing services to help address loneliness and social isolation among older Australians.

Added 28 Jul 2022
Creative ideas to fight social isolation among older people

Aged Care Guide describes the creative strategies adopted by aged care organisations and providers to reduce loneliness for people in aged care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Added 28 Jul 2022
Community Visitors Scheme (CVS)

This website provides comprehensive information about the Community Visitors Scheme, which arranges volunteer visits to older people to provide friendship and companionship. Visits are available to anyone receiving government-subsidised residential aged care or Home Care Packages.

Added 28 Jul 2022
Combatting loneliness in aged care

This webpage from the Selmar Institute of Education discusses loneliness in relation to lack of social connection, its impact and some strategies to address it.

Added 28 Jul 2022
5 ways to help seniors battle loneliness

The webpage from Focused Health Care presents some background information about social isolation and loneliness and provides strategies to prevent and address loneliness.

Added 28 Jul 2022
Signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in older people

The symptoms of anxiety in older people are sometimes not all that obvious as they often develop gradually and it can be hard to know how much is too much. This webpage from Beyond Blue describes the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in older people.

Wellness and reablement initiative

This programme from the Department of Health and Aged Care provides a range of online resources for services providers of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, to include wellness and reablement strategies in their organisations.


This webpage from Aged Care Rehabilitation Services provides an overview of stroke and details of rehabilitation including roles played by physiotherapy and occupational therapy.