

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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What is a person-led approach?

This webpage from NSW Health provides an overview of a person-led approach and links to resources to support person-centred care.

South Australia's plan for ageing well 2020-2025

This webpage from SA health outlines the State Government and community's vision and priorities for ageing well for all South Australians.

Social support in your community

This webpage from Aged Care Guide describes the importance of social engagements and strong community networks for the wellbeing of older Australians.

Australian Men’s Shed Association

This webpage provides guidance on the Australian Men’s Shed Association, a national service provider supporting more than 1,200 Men’s, Women’s and Community Sheds. The association is recognised as one of Australia’s largest male-based community development organisations.

Living a meaningful life through gardening activities

This webpage from Opal HealthCare discusses the benefits of gardening as an enjoyable activity that older people can benefit from.

Intergenerational learning and wellbeing program highlights

This webpage from Intergenerational Learning Australia presents findings and experiences of intergenerational learning and wellbeing programs.

How nature enhances wellbeing in aged care residents

This webpage from TriCare discusses ways that nature can enhance wellbeing for aged care residents.

Gardens and outdoor spaces

This webpage from the Victorian Department of Health provides comprehensive information about the use of gardens and outdoor spaces, guidance on set up and benefits to older people.

Gardening for older people

This webpage from the BetterHealth Channel presents the benefits, health considerations and adjustments that may be required to assist older adults participate in gardening.

Dancing for wellbeing in home and aged care settings

This webpage from the Arts Health Network presents the Dance4Wellbeing program provided to older people via Zoom.