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Person centred care: More than just a theory

In this Guest Lecture hosted by Dementia Australia, case studies will be used to demonstrate how easy it can be to implement person-centred care (*please note you must be logged in as a Dementia Training Australia member (free) to watch video presentations and access resources). (1 h 2 m)

Added 21 Jul 2022
Online symposium: Making person-centred care a reality

This symposium, hosted by the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration and Dementia Training Australia, reflects on progress since the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and safety, and added challenges of COVID-19 (*please note you must be logged in as a Dementia Training Australia member (free) to watch video presentations and access resources). (5 h)  

Added 21 Jul 2022
Navigating the system: Finding supports after a dementia diagnosis

This webinar from Forward with Dementia will guide diagnosticians and primary care practitioners to help their patients access services. (48 min)

Added 21 Jul 2022
Medication: It's your choice webinar 6 - Safe and inclusive care

In this webinar from the Older Persons Advocacy Network, the expert panel discusses the particular challenges faced by individuals from diverse backgrounds when entering aged care, and how these differences can increase the likelihood of chemical restraint. (1 h)

Added 21 Jul 2022
Medication: It's your choice webinar 5 - Alternative approaches and the positive impacts of design

In this webinar from the Older Persons Advocacy Network, the experts on our panel discuss why investigating causes of changes in behaviour is essential for providing better outcomes. They will also explore some alternatives to medications, and how they can be integrated into care environments. (1 h 4 m)

Added 21 Jul 2022
Medication: It's your choice webinar 3 - Medications involved in chemical restraint

In this webinar from the Older Persons Advocacy Network, the panel explores what psychotropics are and why they’ve been overused in Australia. They will also cover the questions to ask your health care team when discussing medications and what treatment options are most suitable for different people. (1 h 4 m)

Added 21 Jul 2022
Medication: It's your choice webinar 2 - Living with dementia: A person-centred approach and other therapies

In this webinar from the Older Persons Advocacy Network, you’ll hear first-hand from a person living with dementia about the common misconceptions about people living with dementia. Panellists also talk about the rights of the person living with dementia, their families and carers to make informed choices about their treatment, and alternative approaches to medication. (1 hr 5 m)

Added 21 Jul 2022
Medication: It's your choice webinar 1 - Introduction: What is chemical restraint?

The first webinar of this series from the Older Persons Advocacy Network, in which our panel of experts discuss issues associated with medication management and chemical restraint. They will also discuss the rights and roles of the older person, partners, carers, families and representatives in making informed choices about medication. (1 h 3 m)

Added 21 Jul 2022