

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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The fading moon: A dementia resource for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

This resource was produced to raise awareness about the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers who provide support to people with dementia. The video features the personal stories of carers and also includes commentary from people working in the dementia field.

Added 23 Jul 2022
Supported decision-making for people living with dementia - Meredith Blake

Meredith Blake's presentation on supported decision-making as part of the ‘We’ in Dementia Community Services Symposium. (22 min)

Added 23 Jul 2022
Supported decision making and risk

This video from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre explains supported decision-making for people with dementia from the perspective of a person with a diagnosis of dementia, carers, a geriatrician and an aged care facility manager. (6 min)

Added 23 Jul 2022
Ron's story

Ron's wife, Diana, had dementia. As her carer, Ron struggled with facilitating the choices his wife wanted to make that he was unsure of. This video is from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre. (4 min)

Added 23 Jul 2022
Responsive behaviours - an introduction

This 15-minute video from Dementia Training Australia introduces responsive behaviours, why they occur and what we can do to help reduce or eliminate them (*please note you must be logged in as a Dementia Training Australia member (free) to watch video presentations and access resources). (15 min)

Added 22 Jul 2022
Purposeful activities for people with dementia: A resource

This resource from Dementia Australia offers practical ways that carers – including activity support workers, personal care attendants and other aged care professionals – can work together to engage people living with dementia in purposeful activities at home and in social groups.

Added 22 Jul 2022
Power of Music on the Brain: Dementia & Parkinson's

Catalyst takes you inside a program which is revealing that personalised playlists can re-awaken the brains of people with advanced dementia and allow people with severe Parkinson's to move. (29 min)

Added 22 Jul 2022
A personal perspective on medication management

In this video from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, Tara recounts her first-hand experiences with medication use in older adults when she became a carer for her father who had dementia. (3 min)

Added 22 Jul 2022
Animating for dementia prevention

This short video from the National Ageing Research Institute provides practical tips about lifestyle changes to prevent the onset of dementia (available in English, Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hindi, Tamil, Greek, Vietnamese, Spanish, Italian).

Added 22 Jul 2022
Anglicare SA dementia care microlearning campaign

Using an evidence-based approach, Anglicare SA delivers a few minutes of dementia care training every day. James Stack, Director and Co Founder of OBVIOUS CHOICE, introduces how the campaign was run and the technology that effectively supported its implementation. (4 min)

Added 21 Jul 2022