

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Living with dementia: An insight for health professionals and carers.

In this video from NPS MedicineWise, Theresa Flavin, who has been diagnosed with dementia, shares her story and provides a unique insight into living with dementia and the impact of psychotropic medicines. (12 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
Australian Association of Gerontology reablement approaches panel discussion

This video provides information about reablement practices, reablement programs and guidance documents. (23 min)

Knowing the persons wishes and choices as a substitute decision maker

In this video from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, carers Kathy Williams and Imelda Gilmore speak about how knowing the person’s preferences and what is important to them helps in decision making about future lifestyle, care, and health decisions. (3 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
Kate Swaffer: The power of language - Dementia partnership project symposium

This presentation by Kate Swaffer was part of the Dementia Partnership Project Inaugural WA Community Services Symposium. (26 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
Karine on supported decision making

In this video from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, Karine talks about some of her experiences caring for her husband Col, describing how she provided support for decision-making from a care-partner’s perspective. (5 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
Jen and Ray - Conscious decision making

In this video from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, Jeanette and Ray talk about their experiences in adjusting to a diagnosis of dementia, and making decisions together as a couple. (4 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
Jason Burton - Cottage respite: An Eden alternative approach

Jason Burton discusses respite models and cottage respite at the Dementia Partnership Project Inaugural WA Community Services Symposium. (16 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
Improving quality of life for people with dementia living in residential aged care

This video animation from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre describes the standard model of aged care and the home-like, or cluster, model of aged care with statistics from the Australian context of dementia care. (2 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
How to ensure advance care planning documents are available when needed

In this video from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, Dr Dimity Pond talks about the storage of advance care planning documents and how to ensure they are available when needed. (1 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
How can planning ahead including advance care planning help carers of loved ones with dementia

In this video from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, carers discuss talking with your partner and loved ones to make advance care plans for dementia and cognitive decline, the importance of conversations and knowing the person’s preferences for future lifestyle, care, health and financial decisions. (3 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022