

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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How virtual reality technology is reducing psychological problems in older people

University of Queensland researchers are using Virtual Reality technology to reduce behavioural and psychological problems in older people - especially those living in aged care facilities or with neurological disorders. (1 min)

How to talk to an older adult you're worried about

If you’re concerned about an older person being anxious or depressed, or just not coping, then it is important to take the first step. In this video from Beyond Blue, people share their experiences of talking to older adults they were worried about. (4 min)

Anxiety, depression and the older person

This video presentation from Relationships Australia explains risks for and signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in aged care recipients. It also provides practical advice to the care worker for supporting people with mental health concerns. (25 min)

Residential Aged Care Toolkit: Work Together educational video

This video from End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) provides an overview and practical examples of how to 'work together' to deliver high-quality services in Aged Care. (*Please note, you will be asked to provide some information before watching the video). (11 min)

Importance of improving mobility

This video from Opal HealthCare shares Marj’s experience of rehabilitation following a fractured knee. (3 min)

Hip fracture rehabilitation

These videos from Flinders University provide an overview of what to do for people living in residential care returning from hospital. (2 min)

Concentric rehabilitation: George's story

A video case study from Opal HealthCare about restorative care in a residential aged care setting. It tells the story of George who had a stroke almost four years ago, which left him in a wheelchair. (2 min)

Cardiac rehab in aged care

This video from Opal HealthCare shares Darrieux’s experience of receiving cardiac rehabilitation as part of aged care. (2 min)

Love in the time of dementia

This short video from italk studios seeks to inform Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities about caring for family members who have dementia. Through the story of Peter and Janey, information is presented about what dementia is, the symptoms, and providing support to people who have dementia. (6 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022
Living with dementia - Appointing a substitute decision maker

Planning ahead with people who have dementia is important. At some point, they will no longer be able to make informed decisions – and that’s where a trusted carer can step in to help. This video is from Dementia Australia. (3 min)

Added 26 Jul 2022