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Ageing and aged care: Chapter 5 of Australia's welfare 2017

One in 4 older people aged 65 and over lives alone. This can affect health and wellbeing. This chapter of Australia's welfare from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare discusses two of the key issues facing older Australians: ageing and dementia.

Added 28 Jul 2022
Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

The submission by the National Mental Health Commission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. 

Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

A submission to the Royal Commission from Mental Health Australia that highlights current structural arrangements which impede the provision of timely and appropriate identification and treatment of mental health conditions in older Australians.

Psychiatry services for older people: Position statement 22

A position statement on care of older people with mental illness from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.

Meeting the social and emotional support needs of older people using aged care services

This report prepared by the Health Services Union and United Voice explores quality from the perspectives of older people, their family members and care workers. This provides an outline of the factors known to build social and emotional wellbeing in aged care settings.

Outcomes of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Wellness and reablement report 2019 – 2020

This report from the Department of Health and Aged Care shows results of the 2019 and 2020 wellness and reablement report of Commonwealth Home Support Programme service providers from all states and territories.

Wellness and reablement in the Victorian home care sector

This is a progress report from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services regarding the wellness and reablement services implemented in Victoria and the key areas explored.

New ways of restoring and supporting the independence of older people

This Briefing from the Benevolent Society draws on both Australian and international evidence to provide guidance for community care practitioners in their day-to-day work with older people (*this link will take you to a webpage with a table of resources -please click on 'Supporting independence older people' to download the appropriate resource).

Wellness and reablement in the home care sector

This report from the Department of Health and Aged Care summarises the result of consultations about wellness and reablement approaches in the aged home care sector, which Nous Group held in 2017.

Wellness and reablement: Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

This submission from the Independent Living Centre WA argues that 'wellness and reablement as significant paradigm shifts are a win-win. A win for older people by supporting people to remain as able and engaged as possible in their community and a win for government and society as it can free up resources for those who do require regular and longer-term support'.