

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Information Sheet
Technology in aged care: Technology needs assessment

It is important that technologies deliver anticipated benefits by being fit for purpose. A needs assessment can lay the foundation for good decision-making, ensuring technology meets the needs of those who will be using it or affected by it. This resource from ARIIA is a short easy-to-read summary of the research evidence.

Added 14 Mar 2023
Information Sheet
Technology in aged care: Cybersecurity concerns

With the increased uptake of technology in aged care services, cybersecurity has become a significant concern for service providers, aged care recipients, their family members, and care workers. This resource from ARIIA is a short easy-to-read summary of the research evidence.

Added 14 Mar 2023
Information Sheet
Technology in aged care: Quality of human interaction

Some people working in or receiving aged care services express concerns about certain forms of technology that may impact human-to-human interaction. This resource from ARIIA is a short easy-to-read summary of the research evidence.

Added 14 Mar 2023
Information Sheet
Technology in aged care: Staff technology training

With technological advancements, it is important that aged care staff have the knowledge and confidence to get the most out of workplace technology. This resource from ARIIA is a short easy-to-read summary of the research evidence.

Added 14 Mar 2023
Information Sheet
Technology in aged care: Ethics and technology in aged care

Technology has the capacity to both limit and enhance autonomy for older adults. This resource from ARIIA is a short easy-to-read summary of the research evidence.

Added 14 Mar 2023
Information Sheet
Technology in aged care: Attitudes towards robots

Robots can play a role in improving the wellbeing of older adults and provide opportunities for social and physical interactions. This resource from ARIIA is a short easy-to-read summary of the research evidence.

Added 14 Mar 2023
Tell Touch: A digital health intervention for the aged care sector

Rosemary Fisher and colleagues from Swinburne University of Technology and the University of Melbourne, introduce the Tell Touch application – an effective digital health communication platform for complaints and feedback handling in aged care homes. The successful implementation of Tell Touch shows the potential for technology to transform the aged care service delivery model.

Added 14 Mar 2023
Customer experience technology: Bringing aged care into the 21st century

John Perkins, CEO and Founder of Checked in Care talks about the emergence of customer experience platforms in aged care, and how they are bringing benefits in aged care that have been experienced by other industries for over a decade.

Added 01 Mar 2023
Achieving telehealth benefits for aged care – windows and doorways

Despite a much broader adoption of telehealth across Australia in the past few years, there remain questions about the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of increased telehealth uptake. In this blog, Emeritus Professor Anthony Maeder explores what these issues might mean for telehealth in the aged care context. 

Added 28 Feb 2023
Check your learner’s Digital Skills

Good Things Foundation has created a free Digital Skills Checker to support digital mentors to better understand their learners’ needs. The ‘Getting Started’ part is a quiz to determine an individual’s current level of digital literacy. The ‘Your Progress’ part can be used after a training session to assess progress, skills, and confidence. 

Added 27 Feb 2023