

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Personal learning assessment

To assist in identifying your learning needs, complete the interactive ELDAC personal learning assessment and learning plan.

Information Sheet
Planning: End-of-life (about dementia)

Making end-of-life decisions for a person living with dementia can be challenging and stressful. This page provides scenarios and options.

Practice tips for careworkers

The palliAGED Practice Tip Sheets for careworkers in aged care contain information on palliative care for older people. The Tip Sheets cover what you need to know and what you can do across 42 topics.

Practice tips for nurses

The palliAGED Practice Tip Sheets for nurses in aged care provide information across 42 topics for nurses new to providing palliative care.

Primary Care Toolkit

This ELDAC toolkit supports primary care providers and teams by providing palliative care and advance care planning in the context of aged care. It includes management of disease symptoms, psychosocial and spiritual aspects of care, as well as effective coordination of services across the health system.

Residential aged care end of life care pathway

The Residential Aged Care End of Life Care Pathway from MetroSouth (Queensland Health) is a care plan that guides the provision of good quality end of life (terminal) care. It incorporates evidence and consensus-based best practice clinical management and care coordination for dying residents.

Residential Aged Care Toolkit

The ELDAC Residential Aged Care Toolkit has evidence-based resources on palliative care and advance care planning that can assist you and your organisation in meeting the Aged Care Quality Standards.

Self-Care Matters Aged Care

The Self-Care Matters (Aged Care) resource assists aged care workers in residential facilities or community settings with practising self-care to support the quality and sustainability of the care they provide to older Australians.

Self-care Room

The self-care room provided by ELDAC is a place for aged care workers to discover resources to use now or when needed or to download and share.

Symptoms and Medicines

These webpages from palliAGED are a resource to guide evidence-based practice in the care of older people in the last days of their life (terminal phase).