
About the Hub

Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) is delivering a range of programs and activities to help increase the capability of the aged care workforce to deliver high-quality care to older Australians. One of these programs is the Knowledge and Implementation Hub (the Hub). The Hub is an accessible and easy-to-use resource. It brings together current and quality-assessed aged care evidence, tools and practice guides of relevance and usefulness to the aged care sector. These resources will build awareness around research and evidence.

    What can you find in the Hub?

    Our aged care priority topics

    The key resources in the Hub are the aged care topics. Each year we create specific evidence resources around priority aged care topics identified by a survey and through consultation with the sector. These topics inform the focus of the grant rounds and support the training and partnering activities associated with the Innovator Training Program (ITP) and Aged Care Partnering Program (ACCP).

    Each topic has three sets of resources for innovators and website visitors, they are evidence themes, resources and emerging research.

    Evidence themes

    A scoping review of published systematic reviews relating to the specific topic provides an overview of the evidence landscape. The findings of each scoping review are structured into evidence themes which show where research efforts have been directed and what the research has found. PDF versions of the review’s key findings and each evidence theme are provided so that this knowledge can be easily shared across the sector.


    Relevant and high-quality Australian resources on each priority topic are identified through a desktop environmental scan and a critical appraisal process. These resources are then made available in the Hub’s resources collection where you can filter them by topic, by your role in aged care, or by type of resource (e.g., learning module, tool, or scale).

    Emerging research

    We also connect you with current Australian research and projects on the aged care priority topics, as well as to emerging research via our systematic review collection (updated monthly). 

    Research and Project Supports

    While the aged care topics provide a wealth of information, we realise that more is needed to bring about change. We are supporting aged care staff, services, and researchers by providing additional content that looks at where to find information, contextual issues, and evidence about how change occurs. This section will be rapidly expanded across 2023. You can already find additional search resources including one-click PubMed searches, links to organisations and agencies that are key players in the aged care sector, and useful information for older people and families. We will also be bringing together evidence and resources on some of the contextual issues that influence aged care such as diversity and approaches to change management.

    Making knowledge available

    Our Knowledge Blogs continue to provide an opportunity for our experts to write about their research and the aged care workforce to share their experiences. Meanwhile, our team is working to create mobile knowledge that can disseminate through social media. This means we can share evidence for practice in formats that resonate with the intended users in ways that lead to immediate understanding and action. You might like to sign up for our KnowledgeConnect quarterly newsletter to keep up to date with ways to use evidence in your personal practice or within your organisation.


    Building our understanding

    We are also using the Hub as a way of capturing data. Beyond web metrics, we will analyse the searches that bring users to the site and the pathways of use within the site. Data capture points within the Hub will enable users to provide immediate feedback and help us to better understand their needs.

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